Register Purchase Order Arrivals

[General About Arrival and Receipt] [About Arrival Registration] [About Direct Delivery] [About Part Ownership] [About Customer Part Acquisition Value] [About Consignment Stock at your Warehouse] [About Automatically Created Invoice, Matched] [About CTO in IFS/Purchasing] [About External Repair Orders] [About Catch Unit]

[To Receipt]


Use this window to register goods that have arrived from the supplier. Each line in this window corresponds to a purchase order number, a purchase order line, and a release number, i.e., each line on the purchase order is displayed separately. However, you can change data before you perform arrival registration in one of the dialog boxes.

The arrival registration is performed in different dialog boxes depending on whether the part is serial handled and whether the serial numbers are to be specified at arrival registration or later on.

Note: For condition code enabled serial tracked parts, the Receive Order option cannot be used. Therefore, serial numbers must be specified at arrival registration.

All receipt lines have to be entered as arrived. This includes orders concerning inventory registered purchase parts (including external maintenance and repair services), non-inventory registered purchase parts, and parts without part number. An exception from this are receipt lines with demand code Customer Order Direct. These are entered through the direct delivery function. However, parts without part numbers, so-called no-number parts, can be received directly from the Purchase Order/No Part Order Lines tab by using the Operations menu.

Activity Diagrams

Report Arrival


Create Purchase Order from Arrival
Change Arrival Data
Report Arrival
Modify Receipt Conditions
Report Arrival with Serials
Perform Putaway
Print Arrival Report
View Configuration  
Select Input UoM and Enter Parameters

Start Rental