Approve Status Change


This activity is used to approve a status change of a sub contract. It may be necessary to approve a sub contract to verify its scope. To be able to do this, an approval for a status change must first be defined in the Sub Contract/Approvals tab.

Once you have entered a new approval on the sub contract, click the Attachments panel to enter approval steps and then to select the approval routings you have previously created.

Once an approval has been approved it will not be possible to add new approval steps. If a new approval step is required, you need to first reject the approval, by right-clicking and clicking Reject Approval, before you can add new approval steps.


System Effects


Sub Contract

Related Window Descriptions

Sub Contract/Approvals


  1. Open the Sub Contract window and query (F3) for the required sub contract.
  2. Click the Approvals tab and select the record to approve.
  3. Click the Attachments panel. You will be able to see the available approval routings if an approval routing is connected to the approval record.
  4. Follow the steps described in the activity Approve Approval Step to approve all the steps.
  5. Once all steps have been approved, go back to the approval in the Approvals tab, right-click and then click Approve.