Compare Shop Order with Structure and Routing


Use this window to compare shop order material with its components and a part structure, or to compare a shop order operation with its operations and a part routing. You can compare one level of the structure at a time. There are three options enabling you to view different aspects of the comparison.

You can view the comparison on the Material tab using the following options:
All - To view all components in both structures.
Equal - To compare components in both structures that have the same part number, structure line no, quantity per assembly, operation no, component scrap and scrap values.
Difference - To compare components on either side where one of the following is different: part number, structure line no, quantity per assembly, operation no, component scrap or scrap.

You can view the comparison on the Routing tab via the following options:
All - To display all operations in both routings.
Equal - To compare operations in both routings that have the same operation no, work center no, setup labor class, labor class, machine setup time, machine run factor, labor setup time, setup crew size, labor factor and crew size.
Difference - To compare those operations on either side where one of the following is different: operation no, work center no, setup labor class, labor class, machine setup time, machine run factor, labor setup time, setup crew size, labor factor or crew size.

If the shop order is in the Planned or Released status, it will be possible to update the shop order with another structure or routing revision/alternate. If the shop order is in the Parked status and the Enable Rev/Alt to be Changed check box is selected, then it will be possible to directly update the shop order material lines and operation lines according to the differences between the shop order structure or routing revision/alternate with the same parts revision/alternate. It is not possible to update a shop order in the status of Parked with another revision/alternate.

Note: Update will only be enabled when the corresponding tab is selected. By-products will not be a part of the comparison and will not be updated. A shop order with split operations cannot be updated. If Phantom Part check box is selected, then Automatic Update check box will not be selected for the shop order material lines which have been listed by Phantom or Blow Through parts.

Activity Diagrams

Handle shop order


Compare Shop Order Material and Operation with Structure and Routing