Compare Shop Order Material and Operation with Structure and Routing


Use this activity to view the similarities or differences between components in the product structure and components in the shop order as well as the operations in the shop order and operations in routing. Components and operations in shop order are also displayed within a split window for easy comparison.

The comparison for components is made concerning part number, structure line no, quantity per assembly, operation no, component scrap and scrap values. The comparison for operations is made concerning the operation no, work center no, setup labor class, labor class, machine setup time, machine run factor, labor setup time, setup crew size, labor factor and crew size values.

Use this activity to update the structure or routing revision or alternate of a shop order which is in the status of Planned or Released.

This activity can also be used to update the shop order material or operation lines for a shop order in the status of Parked with the previous status of Reserved or Started. The shop order must have the same revision or alternate as the part and need to have Enable Rev/Alt to be Changed check box selected. Allowing updates for a material or operation lines can be done by selecting Automatic Update check box for the line. Else, the shop order material or operation line have to be updated manually with differences.


This activity requires a shop order and a part structure or routing being created

To compare the shop order type must be either one from manufacturing, prototype or repair and the structure or routing type must be either one from manufacturing (product structure or recipe structure), prototype or repair.

To Update the shop order with the differences,

System Effects

As a result of this activity,


Compare Shop Order with Structure and Routing

Related Window Descriptions

Compare Shop Order with Structure and Routing


  1. Use List of Values in the header to select from shop orders. The value for the selected shop order will be filled in both the Shop Order Material/Operation and Manufacturing Structure/Routing group boxes.
  2. It is possible to compare with the default values in the shop order or to use List of Values to compare with another part in the Manufacturing Structure/Routing group box.
  3. Click All to view all components/operations in both shop order operation and part routing. You must compare the operations to see the differences.
  4. Click Equal to see all the components/operations that are identical in both shop order operation and part routing.
    The comparison  for components is made concerning part number, structure line no, quantity per assembly, operation no, component scrap and scrap values.
    The comparison for operations is made concerning the operation no, work center no, setup labor class, labor class, machine setup time, machine run factor, labor setup time, setup crew size, labor factor and crew size values.
  5. Click Difference to view all the operations that differ from the shop order and routing such that the operations that exist in one routing but not in the other. For example, some of the components that shown as different have the same part number but have different values in one of the comparing fields

Procedure to compare and update the Shop Order

Note: The shop order must be in the status of Parked with the Enable Rev/Alt to be Changed check box selected.

  1. Use List of Values in the header to select from shop orders. The value for the selected shop order will be filled in both the Shop Order Material/Operation and Manufacturing Structure/Routing group boxes.
  2. If there are material/operation lines with Automatic Update check box selected, it is possible to update the shop order with differences. Check which shop order lines have to be updated with differences and unselect check box Automatic Update from the shop orders which need not to be updated.
  3. Shop order lines with Automatic Update check box not selected, have to be changed manually.
  4. Click either Update Shop Order Material or Update Shop Order Operation to update the shop order with differences.