Register Job Opportunity


Use this function to register a job opportunity advertisement. You can also select which recruitment method you will use for this job opportunity. 

The following are predefined recruitment methods:



Before registering a job opportunity, a Recruitment Plan should have been registered in order to recruit the right applicants to the vacant positions.

System Effects

If you want the Job Opportunity to be shown on the Web application, the following settings must be fulfilled:


Job Opportunity Advertisement
Job Opportunities Advertisement

Related Window Descriptions

Job Opportunity Advertisement
Job Opportunities Advertisement


  1. Select New.
  2. The Job Opportunity Ref No, Date Prepared, and Job Opportunity Status fields will automatically be filled, but you can change these manually. The Content, General Contact Person, Last Date to Accept Applicant, Advertise Company ID, and Recruitment Method are optional.
  3. Save.

Note: You can modify information only if the Status is Active.