Create Invitation Notification Letter


The system generates a letter inviting the applicant to attend the selection process held by the company. Different Invitation for Selection Process letter templates are provided for external and internal participants, since the individual recruitment sources may have different information to include in the document template.

All documents are provided in a Microsoft Word document template, which can be reached by using Generate Invitation for Selection Process Document.


Before you can use this function, the following criteria must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this function, the system generates an Invitation for Selection Process letter for the specified candidate using the document template inserted in the Properties function. You can generate more than one Invitation for Selection Process letter at a time by highlighting multiple items.


Recommended Selection Process Plan
Evaluation Process

Related Window Descriptions

Recommended Selection Process Plan
Personnel Requisition/Recommended Selection Process Plan
Evaluation Process 


  1. Select the items that need to be generated by highlighting them.
  2. Activate the pop-up menu using the right mouse button and click Generate Invitation for Selection Process Document.
  3. The system opens a Microsoft Word document based on the template inserted in the Properties function. You can modify the document by using Microsoft Word tools.

To insert the document template:

  1. Activate the pop-up menu by using the right mouse button and choosing Properties.
  2. A dialog box with some window tabs will appear. Use the Word Document tab to insert the document needed as a template, which you can find using the Browse button. You may use your own document template as a default, providing you have already inserted it in this window tab.
  3. Select OK.