Register Partial Shipment Arrivals

[To Receipt]


Use this window to get an overview of received Incoming Dispatch Advice messages, i.e., DESADV messages, and to report arrival of entire or partial shipments with the supplier's serial numbers. Each line in this window corresponds to a Message ID, Delivery Note Number, Order Number, a Purchase Order Line, and a Release Number, i.e., each Incoming Dispatch Message Line is displayed separately. If the message line received does not contain an order number, it is automatically matched using predefined criteria. The window is used only for Incoming Dispatch Advice messages. 

Once the parts are entered as arrived, the status of each line will be changed to Arrived. Once all order lines in the corresponding Delivery Note have obtained Arrived status they will be removed from this window. As you cannot change any information in this window, you must go to the Incoming Dispatch Advice window for changes. This can be done using the Incoming DESADV right mouse button option.

Activity Diagrams

Report arrival using dispatch advice


Change arrival data, DESADV
Report arrival with serials, DESADV
Report arrival of partial shipment
View configuration