Generate Unfinished Activity Work Items


Perform this activity to generate a list of activity work that should be completed in order to be able to close the activity. This can be done at any time during the execution of the activity to keep track on remaining activity work, but is usually done before an activity is closed. The list can be generated for a project, sub project or a specific activity. The generation is made, per default, as a background job for released and completed activities, but it is possible to configure this by settings in the Generate Unfinished Activity Work Items dialog box.

When the list is generated, each record will have information about the work that needs to be completed. Review the information presented in the columns, it will give a descriptive information about the unfinished work, activity, responsible persons etc. The Object Information field will either display the type of object that is connected to the work that is remaining or will have the value Information which indicates that the unfinished work does not relate to a specific object. For most records, it is possible to use right mouse button Object Details, to navigate to the object. The records remains until the list is re-generated or the activity closed. It is also possible to delete the records manually.

The generation of unfinished activity work is based on the requirements that need to be met when closing an activity. Objects like Task, Document Package, Design Object and Change Order have no requirement to be completed when closing the activity and therefore they are not included in the generation.

The following list is a summery of the requirements:


A project with activities in status Released or Complete must exist. To get a list of unfinished activity work, at least one activity needs to have work that remains to be completed, e.g. a Shop order which is not closed.

System Effects



Unfinished Activity Work
Generate Unfinished Activity Work Items

Related Window Descriptions

Unfinished Activity Work
Generate Unfinished Activity Work Items


  1. Open the Unfinished Activity Work window.
  2. Right-click on the window and select the Generate Unfinished Activity Work Items menu option.
  3. In the Generate Unfinished Activity Work Items dialog box that opens select a project ID, and then optionally a sub project ID and activity ID.
  4. Optionally, select the Exclude Sub Levels check box. This option is possible when a sub project with sub levels has been selected.
  5. Optionally, select the Exclude Released Activities check box, to include the completed activities only.
  6. Optionally, clear Run in Background check box, to run the generation Online.
  7. Click OK.

Note: If the job was performed as a background job, the records from the project should be queried. If the job was performed as an online job, the records will be populated in this window.

  1. Select one of the records and right-click to select the Object Details menu option to go directly to the relevant object and perform the necessary work.
  2. Once the remaining work is completed, you can perform the generation again. If there is no no remaining work on this activity, the record will be removed.

Note: When the activity is closed, all records related to the activity will be automatically removed.