Organization Chart
Use this window to inspect organizations defined in the system. The chart
provides an overview of information about organization structures, position
structures, and employee assignments. It give a unique mix of information about
organizations, positions, and employee assignments, particularly useful in case
of matrix organizations.
The window consists of three main areas:
- Display Area
- Chart Navigation Menu
- Panes
Panes are located on the right side of the window and serve multiple
- Current Context - The chart is always drawn around a single
organization unit/company ID. The Context pane shows you which one it
is. Below the context you see a complete organization structure. Above the
context you see only units leading directly to the company ID (or several
IDs in case of matrix units). Clicking on names of respective units sets
them as the context, causing the chart to be re-drawn.
- Selection pane displays additional information about the elements
selected from the chart.
- Filters pane allows you to select a company or organization unit
around which the chart will be drawn. Any phrase entered in the search field
will divide search results into 4 tabs: Structures, Organizations,
Employees, and Positions. If the result is an
organization unit or a company ID, it can be clicked and loaded onto the
display area as the graph's context.
The display area shows the chart, drawn around the selected context. Multiple
buttons are placed on every organization unit, allowing you to see its positions
and employees. You can also zoom in on all elements that have a magnifying glass
Note: Positions visible under each organization unit are arranged based
on the relevant position structure (company or matrix one).
The navigation menu, located on top of display area, is composed of multiple
buttons that allow for various chart interactions. Mouse over each button to
learn its name.
- Back and Forward buttons are used to navigate through
previously opened graphs. They work just as in internet browsers.
- The Expand Organizations button opens all organization units,
showing what positions are used inside. Close Organizations button
closes the units and hides that information.
- The Expand All button displays both positions and employees who
hold them. The Close All button closes all units.
- The Show Company Structures button is active only when the entire
company is set as the context. Clicking it allows you to display or hide all
company organization units.
- The Show Matrix Structures button is active only when the entire
company is set as the context. Clicking it allows you to display or hide
matrix organization units.
- The Refresh button refreshes the organization chart.
- The Export button exports the chart as an image.
The structure is loaded as it looks on the date visible at the top of the
window. You can click and change it to see how a structure transforms over time.
Finally, the slider (located next to the date) is used to zoom in an out of
the structure. You can also use the mouse scroll to achieve the same effect.
Activity Diagrams
Organization Structure
Inspect the Structure Using Organization Chart