Part Certificate Basic Data/Approvals Per Maintenance Organization

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Use this tab to define the different authority approvals that are received by a maintenance organization. A maintenance organization can hold approval for issuing a number of different types of part certification forms. These approvals can be issued by an authority whether national (of the country of the maintenance organization), national (of any other country) or international (e.g., EASA, the European Aviation Safety Agency). The approval can be for a number of different types of objects or for a single type of object, and it can be for any level of work that is to be carried out.

The following table lists the different statuses valid for an approval record:

Status Description
New When an approval record for a maintenance organization is entered and saved, it receives this status.
Approval Pending The approval can be set to this status until the maintenance organization that applied for this approval is granted the certification.
Approved Once the certificate is granted, the approval record can be moved to this status. If you are registering an approval that the maintenance organization currently has, you can move the record directly to this status from the New status.
Rejected If the approval is not granted, the approval record should be set to this status.
Obsolete If the approval is no longer valid, it must be moved to this status. It is possible to reapply for approval, and therefore functionality exists to move an obsolete approval back to the Approval Pending or Approved statuses. In order to move an obsolete approval to Approved, the Valid To date must be set to a future date or should not have a value.

Note: It is only possible to generate certificates if the approval certificate is in the Approved status.

A scheduled task will run every day at midnight to check the validity of the approval certificates. If the Valid To date (if entered) is reached, the system will automatically set the approval to the Obsolete status.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Part Certificates


Define Authority Approvals Per Maintenance Organization