Define Authority Approvals Per Maintenance Organization


This activity is used to define the approvals that are valid for a given maintenance organization. Using the Status feature available for approvals, you can update and keep track of the status the approvals received by the maintenance organization. Valid statuses are: New, Approval Pending, Approved, Rejected and Obsolete.

Each maintenance organization can receive a number of approvals for different purposes. For example:

EASA Part 21G No.SE.21G.007 EASA-Sverige (production of Aircraft components)
EASA Part 145 No.SE.145.0017 EASA-Sverige (aircraft and component maintenance)
EASA Part 21J No.SE.21J.108 EASA (design of civil airworthiness products)

The new approvals you enter will be set to the New status upon save. You can then move the approval to the Approval Pending status if the maintenance organization is awaiting certification of the approval. Once certification is granted the approval can be moved to the Approved status or if it is rejected to the Rejected status. If you are registering the approvals that the maintenance organization currently has, you can move the approval directly to the Approved status from New. When an approval is no longer valid it should be set to the Obsolete status. From the Obsolete status it is possible to move the approval to either the Approval Pending or Approved status since it is possible to reapply for the approval.

Once the approvals for a maintenance organization have been registered, you can enter the capability list that was received along with the approval. For more information, refer the activity Define Capability List.


System Effects


Part Certificate Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Part Certificate Basic Data
Part Certificate Basic Data/Approvals Per Maintenance Organization


  1. Open the Part Certificate Basic Data window and click the Approvals Per Maintenance Organization tab.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for your maintenance organization.
  3. Create a new record (F5) in the table of the window.
  4. In the Authority ID field, enter the ID of the authority that is valid for the maintenance organization. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Approval Type field, enter a valid approval type. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  6. In the Approval Certificate No field, enter the certification number.
  7. In the Accountable Manager field, enter the ID of the employee responsible for the approval. Entering a value in this field is optional. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  8. In the Valid From field, enter the date from which the approval is considered valid.
  9. In the Valid To field, enter the last date the approval is valid. Entering a value in this field is optional. If a value is not entered in this field, the approval will be considered valid until revoked.
  10. Save the information (F12).
  11. To move the approval to a valid status (refer Explanation), right click on the record, point to Status, and then click the relevant status option.

Note: The status of an approval can also be changed in the Authority Approval window which can be reached either by right-clicking on the approval and clicking Authority or directly from the navigator.