Update Event Information


Use this activity to modify information on a reported event, i.e., stop, log, produced, production change, and scrap event, for a particular production unit.


A production unit with an acceptable number of reported events must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity it will be possible to update an event (s) that was previously reported on the production unit.

Related Window Descriptions

Production Unit
Production Unit Overview
Stop Event
Stop Event Overview
Produced Event
Produced Event Overview
Production Change Event
Production Change Event Overview
Log Event
Log Event Overview
Scrapping Event
Scrapping Event Overview
Cause - List of Values
Object ID - List of Values
Reported By - List of Values


  1. Open the Production Unit window for the production unit you want. (Note: You can perform this procedure in the Production Unit Overview window as well.)
  2. In the lower section of the window a list of existing events for the selected production unit will be displayed. Choose from the available filtering options, e.g., view only stop events reported during the last 7 days, to populate existing event records.
  3. Once you have identified the event you want to update click the available date/time link for the particular record. This will open the detailed mode for the selected event, i.e., if you click the link on a stop event the Stop Event window opens.
  4. Modify the information you want. Once all modifications are performed click Save and Exit.

Use the following procedure to update event information by using the Search functionality:

  1. Open the Search function (click Search on the toolbar) and search for the particular event, i.e., Stop, Log, Scrapping, Produced, and Production Change Event. Enter necessary information in the Search Criteria area and click Search.
  2. The overview mode for the selected event will open with the search result(s). For example, if you search for a Production Change Event, the Production Change Event Overview window opens with the search result(s).
  3. Select the row that holds the event you want, right-click and then click Show Details. This will open the detailed mode for the selected event (according to the above example, the Production Change Event window opens).
  4. Modify the information you want. Once all modifications are performed click Save and Exit.