Define Fault Mode


This activity is used to define fault modes. Fault mode is a tool to standardize functional decomposing recorded upon fault registration. Fault mode can be categorized in two groups, symptoms and actual discovered. 

Fault modes are based on the fault functions defined for a product model. Note: If you want to utilize the copy functionality for fault modes, the product model you copy to must have the exact same fault function definitions as the one to copy fault modes from.


To perform this activity, fault functions must be defined

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Operations and Fault Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Operations and Fault Basic Data/Fault Mode
Operations and Fault Basic Data/Fault Function


  1. Open the Operations and Fault Basic Data window and click the Fault Mode tab.
  2. Create a new record or query for an existing one.
  3. In the Product Number field, enter the product or select from the List of Values. Once saved, the field cannot be modified.
  4. In the Product Description field, the description of the product is shown.
  5. In the Model Number field, enter the model or select from the List of Values. Once saved, the field cannot be modified.
  6. In the Model Description field, the description of the model is shown.
  7. In the Fault Mode field, enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters for the short code that will be used in the system. Once saved, the field cannot be modified.
  8. In the Description field, enter or edit the description for the fault mode
  9. In the Fault Mode Type field, enter one of the possible values, Symptom, Actual Discovered, or Both. Fault mode type Both is meant to be used in those cases where fault mode is used for both fault registrations and reporting. If the fault mode type is set to Actual Discovered or Both, you need to enter values in the Sub Function Number and Bottom Function Number fields.
  10. In the Function Number field, enter the function or select from the List of Values. 
  11. In the Function Description field, the description of the function number is shown. 
  12. In the Sub Function Number field, enter the sub function or select from the List of Values. An entry in this field is required if the fault mode type is Actual Discovered or Both and can be updated.
  13. In the Sub Function Description field, the description of the sub function number is shown. 
  14. In the Bottom Function Number field, enter the bottom function or select from the List of Values. An entry in this field is required if the fault mode type is Actual Discovered or Both and can be updated
  15. In the Bottom Function Description field, the description of the bottom function number is shown. 
  16. In the Fault Code field, enter the fault code or select from the List of Values. This field is dependent on product and model number plus function, sub function, and bottom function number
  17. In the Fault Code Description field the description of the fault code is shown. 
  18. Save the changes.