Routing Template

[About Routing Template]

[To MFG Standard]


Use this window to view and maintain routing templates. A routing template is a generic routing that can be used and reused on multiple routing revisions. For an existing template, all data is shown. For a new template, all data must be entered. The template ID is automatically generated.

The routing template is site specific as it uses data elements such as Work Center, Labor Class and Tools that are site specific.

However only the standard operations defined for the same site as the routing template will be copied or referenced.

Depending on how you use the template, changing it could cause the system to change many routing revisions. When a template is changed, the status will change to Changes Pending if the template is currently referenced in routings. When you are satisfied that all changes have been made, right-click and then click Propagate Changes to open a dialog box to help you propagate the revised template.

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Routing Template Operations and Routing Template - Where Used.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Structure/Routing


Create a routing template
Propagate routing template changes