Propagate Routing Template Changes


If you make changes to a routing template that is being used, the status of the template will change to Changes Pending. When you are finished with the changes to the template, you can choose to propagate the changes to routings that reference the template.

Routing alternates having Tentative or Plannable status can be directly updated, or the template reference can be removed.

Depending on the update control value, routing alternates having Buildable status can be directly updated (only for Simplified update control), the template reference can be removed, or a new routing revision can be phased in. If a new revision is phased in, the latest Buildable revision must have a Buildable revision using the routing template reference. All the alternates are copied to the new revision except Obsolete ones. Notes are copied forward.


A routing template that is used to create routings.

System Effects

If the routing alternates are changed directly, the routings are rebuilt to reflect the current routing template.

If the routing template reference is removed, the template ID is removed from the affected routing alternates.

If a new routing revision will be phased in, the system verifies that the latest active revision has a Buildable alternate that references the routing template. If it does not, you will receive an error message. This latest active revision is phased out the day before the new revision is phased in. All alternates that are not in state Obsolete or Canceled are copied forward. The alternate that references the propagating template is built using the new routing template definition. All routing alternates in the new revision start in the state Tentative.

Propagation of a routing template may involve a combination of updating existing records, inserting new records and deleting removed records. Because routing operations, routing work guidelines and routing tools can have associated records such as documents, configuration rules and outside operation costs, only updated routing records will keep the associated records after propagating a routing template. Documents, configuration rules, and outside operation costs associated with records that are deleted will also be deleted. The following scenarios may result in deleting records:


Routing Template

Related Window Descriptions

Routing Template


  1. Right-click, then click Propagate Changes.
  2. Select Propagation Preferences from the dialog box.