Update Park Information


Use this activity to update the park information. It is possible to update the planning parameter values to the selected shop orders while keeping the same parking reason attached. You can also update the values under Park Information group box.


This activity requires a shop order which is in the status of Parked

System Effects

As a result of this activity, following changes can happen.


Shop Order
Shop Orders
MRO Shop Order
Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Order
Shop Orders
MRO Shop Order
Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair
Park Shop Order


  1. Select one or more shop orders that you want to update the park information.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header and then click Update Parked Shop Order.
  3. It is possible to change the Park Reason if you want to change it. You can use list of values to update the existing value of the Park Reason as well.
  4. Change the planning parameter values if you want to change them. This will override the default settings attached to the park reason as well.
  5. You can also update or change the values in the Park Information group box.
  6. Click Ok.