Define Maintenance Program


This activity is used to define the general data for a maintenance program. 

Only one revision of a maintenance program can be active at any given point in time. When you set a new revision of a maintenance program active, an informational message will appear reminding you that the current active maintenance program will be set to obsolete, and give you the possibility to cancel the operation.

A part number may be defined for more than one active maintenance program. This gives the opportunity to define different maintenance intervals for serials with the same part number. The same maintenance program may influence a part number having different maintenance groups.

Documents may be connected to a maintenance program. 



System Effects


Define Maintenance Program  
Maintenance Programs

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Programs
Define Maintenance Program
Define Maintenance Program/General
Define Maintenance Program/Assign Parts
Define Maintenance Program/Assign Part Revisions
Define Maintenance Program/Maintenance Groups
Define Maintenance Program/Journal
Copy Maintenance Program
Create New Revision
Define Maintenance Program/Access
Define Maintenance Program/Affected Serials
Modify Active Maintenance Program
Maintenance Plan


Option 01:

  1. Open the Define Maintenance Program window and create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Maint. Program ID field, enter a unique ID to identify your maintenance program.
  3. Enter a relevant description for your maintenance program ID in the Description field.
  4. Enter a revision number in the Revision field.
  5. You have the option of entering any information relevant to your maintenance program in the Information field of the General tab.
  6. Save the record.

Option 02:

  1. Open the Maintenance Programs window and create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Maint. Program ID field, enter a unique ID to identify your maintenance program.
  3. Enter a relevant description for your maintenance program ID in the Maint Program Description field.
  4. Enter a revision number in the Maint Program Revision field.
  5. Save the record. 
  6. If you wish to view this maintenance program in the main window, right-click on the row and click Define Maintenance Program. This will open up the Define Maintenance Program window with the data for this maintenance program.