Assign Part Revisions to Maintenance Program


This activity is used to assign part revisions to a maintenance program. When a serial part is assigned to a maintenance program, all existing revisions of the serial part will be assigned to the maintenance program by default. 

In addition, you can connect a new part revision to an active maintenance program, provided that the part to which the new revision belongs is already assigned to the maintenance program.


Serial parts must have been assigned to the maintenance program prior to assigning part revisions.

System Effects


Define Maintenance Program 

Related Window Descriptions

Define Maintenance Program
Define Maintenance Program/Assign Part Revision
Add Part Revision


Follow this procedure to add or remove part revisions for a maintenance program that is in the Preliminary status:

  1. Open the Define Maintenance Program window and query (F3) for your maintenance program revision.
  2. (Optional step) Click the Assign Parts tab and observe information on the part(s) that have been assigned to the maintenance program.
  3. Click the Assign Part Revisions tab. Observe that all part revisions for the assigned part(s) have been added to the maintenance program.
  4. If you want to remove a part revision, select the row and then click Remove.

If you have created a new part revision for a serial already assigned to a maintenance program, and this new part revision is to be added to the maintenance program which is in the Preliminary status;

  1. create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Part Number field, enter the part number of the assigned part. Use the List of Values to select the value.
  3. In the Part Revision field, enter the new part revision. Use the List of Values to select the value.
  4. Save the record (F12).

Follow this procedure to add a new part revision to a maintenance program that is in the Active status:

  1. Open the Define Maintenance Program window and query (F3) for your maintenance program revision.
  2. Click the Assign Part Revisions tab.
  3. Select the row that contains the serial part to which the new part revision belongs, right-click and then click Add Part Revision. The Add Part Revision dialog box opens.
  4. The part number of the serial part is displayed in the Part Number field by default.
  5. In the Part Revision field, enter the new part revision. Click List to select the value.
  6. Click OK. The Assign Part Revisions tab is updated with the new serial part revision.