Use this function to control the posting for each record registered in the expense sheet.
The posting type and accounts are predefined in Posting Control in IFS/Accounting Rules. You control the post coding via two types of coding for each wage code. There is one for coding and one for counter coding. For each type of posting, you can register control information for the different codes you created when defining the code string in the component IFS/Accounting Rules. A list of postings can be printed via IFS/Accounting Rules. The system uses the EU BAS 97 coding plan as standard. When the travel expense sheet is authorized, the predefined postings will automatically be transferred to the Accounting and/or Payroll system.
Note: If you want to check, e.g, accounts or posting types before you authorize the expense sheet, you can select Create Postings via the right mouse button menu in the Postings tab and change the optional field. The changes you make will be the information transferred to the Accounting and/or Payroll system.
It is recommended that you use the Create Postings function the first couple of times, to ensure that the postings are correctly defined in IFS/Accounting Rules, since it is not possible to change any postings after the expense sheet has been authorized.
If you should find any mispostings after the expense sheet has been authorized, a reclassification of the voucher would have to be made manually in the accounting system. You cannot create a new expense sheet to reclassify the posting in the Postings tab.
Before creating expense postings, the following must have been completed:
As a result of this entry, the posting will be made automatically to the Accounting and/or Payroll system and will be easy to administrate.
Create and authorize an expense sheet to be transferred automatically:
Note: Make sure that the predefined values in the Posting Control tab in IFS/Accounting Rules are correct.
Change or check information in the Postings tab before authorization:
Note: You cannot change anything in the expense sheet (including postings) when the expense sheet is authorized. You must create a new expense sheet if you have to make any changes.