Forecast Table

[To Demand Planning]


Use this window to visualize and work with forecasts, events, target sales plans, and budgets. The window is activated in the View menu. Available data elements for the table are:

Element Read/Write Description
Demand Read-only The demand or usage figures from IFS/Inventory.
Adjusted demand Write The demand data adjusted to provide the best possible basis for calculating forecasts, e.g., removing outliers and non-annual campaigns, entering data in zero-sales periods (due to missing data), run-out situations, strikes, etc. Outliers are indicated with a red background (outside 2 standard deviation) in the cells. Yellow background is all demand between 1 and 2 standard deviation.
Inherited demand Read-only The demand for the item entered in the Predecessor field in IFS/Demand Plan/Forecast Part. Note that you must also define the start and end dates for the inheritance period (see Forecast Part). When the Inheritance function is activated, the forecast model uses the sum of Adjusted Demand and Inherited Demand to calculate the forecast.
Historical forecast Read-only Before generating a new forecast at the start of a new period (month), the system saves the first forecast period in the current forecast as current period's historical forecast. It is also possible to take the parts lead time into account when storing the historical forecast see Registry settings for details.
Budget Write Budget values may be entered at any level and may be compared with the bottom-up cost price forecasts.
Target sales plan Write E.g., sales figures from the regional sales and marketing departments.
Events Write Intended for special campaigns, sales, and other events when they have a significant impact on the total usage or demand. Negative values are permitted. Historical event data may help to explain outliers/irregularities in the Demand data, or why changes have been made to Adjusted Demand. When a period is unauthorized then the background color will be gray for that period. See Authorize Intervals. Note that you have individual events in the forecast horizon for each scenario. Only the events in the main scenario will be used as historical events. Note that periods with event adjustments will not be treated as fixed when copy rule From Previous adjusted is selected. The Event period adjusted forecast will be based on the new system forecast and then the event is added to form the new adjusted forecast for the period.
Adjusted forecast Write Equal to the System Forecast + Events, for the selected scenario. When a period is unauthorized then the background color will be gray for that period. See Authorize Intervals.
System forecast Read-only A mathematical forecast based on the models and parameters selected in Detail View and calculated using the adjusted demand.
Collaborate forecast Read-only This is the collaborate forecast that you have made in the collaborate partner graph. If you have not removed any of the collaboration partners from then onwards the collaborate forecast will be the average of the suggested forecast from all your collaboration partners.
Campaign Read-only This is the sum of all campaign quantity on the part/group for the period, the campaign quantity will be distributed only on the campaign dates when the forecast is distributed to MS/MRP. But this shows the aggregated quantity.
Explanation forecast Read-only The development of the mathematical forecast (up to the most recent period) with historical data. This provides insight into how the System Forecast develops.
Period Price Write The price/value of the part in that particular period, will allow the for different price in different time/period. See Select Unit
Comment Write The period comment for this period.

The elements may be turned on or off according to the Server Setup, specific user requirements, or work situation by using the right mouse button. For data elements that are not read-only, individual cell values may be entered, or cell values may be copied and pasted from any part or group in IFS Forecast Table or from any spreadsheet. Adjusted Demand, Budget, and Target Sales Plan may be edited only in this table, not in the Forecast Graph. Bold face in the table indicates periods that have been manually adjusted.

Bold face indicates that a manual adjustment (Padlock in the graph) has been done to the line, if the Adjusted demand and the Historical demand differs without a padlock this indicates that the period has been adjusted by the Demand Cleansing algorithm.

Any active selection in the table, the sum and average of the cells in the selection will be displayed in the status bar.

Activity Diagrams



Demand Plan Work

Right Mouse button

Hide/unhide any of the available data elements in the table: Demand, Adjusted Demand, Inherited Demand, Historical Forecast, Budget, Target Sales Plan, Events, Adjusted Forecast, System Forecast, and Explanation Forecast. (These elements are described in the Usage section above.)

Confidence Interval This turns on/off the confidence interval indicator in the table.
Event Cleansing This menu selection has two options. Either Subtraction or Set to explanation forecast. The Subtraction selection subtracts adjusted demand line with the amount in the event line for all periods where events are different from 0. The Set to explanation forecast selection sets the adjusted demand equal to the explanation forecast line in all periods where the event is different from 0.
Campaigns Opens the Campaigns dialog box where you can make new and add parts to existing campaigns.
Format Cells Cell formatting in the table is limited to specifying the number of decimal places to be used and whether to use the 1000 separator.
Copy (also Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert) Copies the selected cells to the clipboard.
Paste (also Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert) Copies the contents of the clipboard into the table.
Copy To Excel Saves the contents of the entire table contents into a Microsoft Excel file with the suggested name 'Part No.xls.'
Toggle PadLock Toggles/shifts the padlock state for the periods selected in the excel sheet, multiple periods can be selected. Works only on authorized Adjusted Forecast periods.

Menu Choice


System to Adjusted Copies values from the System Forecast to the Adjusted Forecast.


This window contains:

Rows: One row for each monthly periodic value of the activated data elements. The time interval extends from the first period having existing data to the last period of the forecast horizon. Labels are in the following format: YYYY-PP (where Y = year and P = period).
Columns: One column for each activated data element.