Authorize Interval


Authorize interval is used to prevent forecasters to put forecast on a part before it is authorized or after it has been unauthorized. This interval is set by to dates phase in and phase out located on the forecast part (See. Forecast Part). The phase in date states at which date the forecaster should be allowed to start making forecast for this part. The phase out date states the last date the forecaster is allowed to enter forecast numbers for the part. These dates are converted into periods (See Period Version). The first period allowed for forecasting will be the periods that includes the phase in date. The last period allowed for forecasting will be the period that includes the phase out date. 

This function allows old parts that are not in production to be in the system without the possibility for the forecaster to put any forecasted demand on the part when it is old. The reason for having old parts in the system are to get old history on groups correct for comparisons to budgets, old forecasts etc.

This function also allows new coming parts to be added early, without making the forecaster able to put any forecast in until the new parts has its release date. This allows for a secure way of getting a good early forecast on new coming parts.

If the phase in or the phase out dates are not entered then no authorize is defined for the part, and the forecaster is allowed to enter forecast values for all periods. It is also possible to only set a phase in or only a phase out date. The dates are set in the Demand plan server setup, see Forecast Part or Overview forecast part.

Defining an authorize interval only affects the ability to enter numbers into the adjusted forecast line. The other lines will be unaffected by the authorize interval. This means that both the system forecast, target sales plan, and the budget is unaffected by any authorize interval. Authorize intervals defined in history in not indicated in any way.


Phase in = 2003.12.15

Phase out = 2004.07.27

Assuming monthly period version, this will give an allowed forecast range from 2003-12 (December 2003) until 2004-07 (July 2004).

Because period 2003.12 starts at 2003.12.01 and ends 2003.12.31, the phase in date 2003.12.15 is between this periods start date.

And Because period 2004.07 starts at 2004.07.01 and ends 2004.07.31, the phase in date 2004.07.27 is between this periods start date.