Merge Lead


This activity is used to merge one lead to another.


This activity has no prerequisites.

System Effects

When you complete the merge process, all other records, except the master record, are deleted.


Merge Lead

Related Window Descriptions

Merge Lead
Business Lead
Business Leads


  1. Open the Business Lead window.
  2. Query for lead records that you want to merge.
  3. Right-click and select the Merge Lead option to open the Merge Lead form.
    The current record on business lead form will automatically be selected as merge-from record. Optionally, you can click on the Lead ID field in merge-from section and search for multiple records by clicking the search icon.
  4. Click on the merge-to lead ID and search. The matching record will be populated.
  5. You can merge field-wise by clicking the arrow in front of each field in the merge-from section. Then the merge-to value will be overwritten.
  6. Alternatively, if you want to overwrite all field values at once, use the double arrows in front of the lead ID.
  7. Select the child records you want to copy. i.e., addresses, contacts, etc.
  8. Click Merge or Merge All.
    Merge button is to merge two records only. The usage of merge all is it allows user to merge more than one business leads.

          Note: Notes will not be overwritten, but copied to the merge-to record.
          If you want copy Notes for merge-to from the multiple merge-from records then the user has to click arrow button in front of Notes field.