Operational Planning History List
History per Serial/Operational Plan 

[About Historical Data] [About Vehicle Operational Schedule] [About VIM Access Control] [To Perform Maintenance Engineering] [To Operate Asset]


Use this window or tab to view the history of completed operational events. The data shown in this window or tab is for information purposes only, and cannot be updated. To view a window with more details, right-click and click Details. Operational events are moved to the operational planning history through a batch job every night. The criteria for moving an operational event to history is a given number of days after the planned finish date.

The Remove History option can be used to remove old history records from the operational planning history. In the dialog box that opens, you need to enter a date, and then all records older than this date will be deleted.

Activity Diagram

Perform Reliability Analysis
BDR for Background Jobs


Analyze Historical Data
Adjust and Verify Background Job for Remove Old Operational Events