Enter Default Project Roles


This activity is used to create default project roles per company. Only project roles created in this window can be used in projects and authorization routing templates. You can have default project roles to each project per company or added manually to a specific project.


System Effects


Project Basic

Related Window Descriptions

Project Basic/Default Project Roles 


  1. Open the Project Basic window and click the Default Project Roles tab.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. Enter a default project role identity in the Role ID field and a description for it in the Description field.
  4. In the Type of Role field use the list to select the classification of the role related to this role ID.
  5. Select the Default To Project check box if you want the project role to be created automatically, whenever a new project is created.
  6. In the Company field, use the List of Values to select the company, for which you are entering project roles.
  7. Save your changes.