Engineering Part Revision/Additional

[About Engineering Part Revision] [To Business Process Model]


Use this tab window to view additional information about part revisions. You can also update certain fields: Material Cost, Work Cost, Work Hour, Lead Time, Assumed Cost, and Assumed Lead Time. If the IFS Inventory module is installed, the Material Cost, Work Cost, Work Hour, and Lead Time fields can also be updated by running the menu option Update Cost and Lead Time. Use the menu option Calculate Part to update the Calc. Cost, Work Cost, and Work Hour fields for all levels in the part structure. Create and Remove are not allowed here.

Activity Diagrams

Supply Product Structure Information


Fulfill Document Requirement
Create New Revision
Copy Structure/Document Survey/Technical Specification
Replace Revision
Set Develop Level
Activate Product Structure
Release Part Revision
Set Part Revision Obsolete
Roll Up Cost Calculation
Update Cost and Lead time from Inventory
View Product Structure Graphically
Manufacturing Standards Product Structure