Web Page Portlet

Using this Portlet

Use this portlet to add a windowed web page to your portal. You can add a link to almost any external or internal page like for example the Local Weather page, but note that some pages may be constructed so as to "take over" the web browser. Should this happen, just start your browser and enter the following to get to the configuration screen, where you can remove the Web Page Portlet from your portal:


Exchange the <MyWebServer> and <MyApplication> for the appropriate values. (If you don't know the web server or the application, ask your system administrator for help).


No setup is required before you use this portlet for the first time, except your personal customizations (see below)

Viewing the Search Results

This portlet displays only one thing, the web page specified.

Customizing this Portlet

Using the Customize page, you can customize the layout of your portlet. A web page to be shown can be specified, as well as the title and height of the portlet.


The following layout options are available in this portlet:

URL: The URL of the web page to be displayed in the portlet. Note: Some URL's might not work because of security restrictions. Such web pages contain an X-Frame attribute in the header of the URL to avoid being opened in frames by external sites.

URL Box Height: The height of the portlet. The width will always be the one set in the Portal Configuration.

Title when maximized: The title to be shown when the portlet is maximized.

Title when minimized: The title to be shown when the portlet is minimized.

Update when minimized: When this check box is checked the portlet's web page will be loaded even when the portlet is minimized. Uncheck this if the web page in the portlet takes a long time to load, then the portlet's web page will be loaded only when the portlet is maximized.

Zoom in this web page:  When this check box is checked the web page in the portlet can be opened in a new browser window. Once this is checked a zoom in icon will be available in the portlet header. Click it to open the page in a full browser window.