Enter General Information

A service request can be used for reporting requests for service on objects utilized by a certain customer. It can also be used to report a fault. When you create a service request you have to enter some general information. Enter contact information such as name and phone number of the person requesting the service, a short description of the service that is to be performed, or what fault that was observed. When creating the service request, retrieve a suitable object, an existing service contract for a specific customer, and what work type that is to be used. If a service level agreement (SLA) is defined for the service contract, this SLA will be connected automatically to the service request. The SLA will be used to calculate the latest time the work can start and finish without missing its SLA (i.e., agreement with the customer). It is also possible to see if the object has any customer or supplier warranties. You can even create a new customer or objects at the same time as you make the request, or you can update it afterwards. The registered general information will make it easier to locate the object and determine what has to be done, and then plan required personnel, material and tools. When the general information is entered the service request is created.

The service request is used in IFS Applications for Service Management.