Optimize Work Order Planning Dates


This activity is used to optimize the planning dates of the work order according to the planning dates of the connected operations, tools-and-facilities and/or jobs. If the planning dates are optimized through fixed operations, the jobs will be optimized around the connected operations and the work order will fit into the planning dates of the operations. If the planning dates are optimized through fixed jobs, the work order will fit into the planning dates of the jobs. If the planning dates are optimized through fixed operations and tools and facilities, the jobs will be optimized around the connected operations and tools-and-facilities and the work order's start date will fit into the earliest date which exists on an operation/tool or facility and the completion date into the corresponding latest date on an operation/tool or facility.


System Effects

As a result of this activity the planning dates of the work order will be optimized according to the connected operations, tools-and-facilities and/or jobs.


Prepare Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order
Optimize Planning Schedule


  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window and query for the work order you wish to optimize (F3).
  2. Right-click and click Optimize Planning Schedule.
  3. Select one of the available options to optimize the planning dates of the work order in the dialog box that appears and click OK.