Create New Work Order for Search Result 


Use this activity to create a new work order for a search result line. If you perform a Combined Free Time Search you, can connect the operation lines to the tool-and-facility lines included in the search result. The connection can also be made if the work order to which the tool-and-facility is to be included contains an operation line (applicable for a Simple Free Time Search).  


System Effects


Free Time Search

Related Window Descriptions

Free Time Search 
Free Time Search/Results
Create Work Order  
Connect Tools and Facilities to Operations


  1. Open the Free Time Search window.
  2. Perform a simple free time search or a combined free time search.
  3. Click the Results tab.
  4. Select the appropriate record from the upper table. The details will be displayed in the lower table.
  5. Right-click on the selected row and then click Create Work Order. The Create Work Order dialog box opens.
  6. Enter the signature of the employee who is reporting the work order, and the maintenance organization identity, in the Reported By and Maint. Org. fields. Click List to select suitable values.
  7. Enter a a brief description of the fault to be corrected in the Directive field.
  8. Click OK.
  9. If the search criteria includes both an employee and a tool-and-facility, or if an operation line exists in the work order to which you want to add the tool-and-facility, the Connect Tools And Facilities to Operations dialog box appears. Enter a value in the Operation No. field if you want to make a connection. Click List to select a suitable value.
  10. Click OK.