Complete Work Order


This activity is used to complete a mobile work order.


System Effects


The mobile device on which IFS Mobile Work Order is installed.

Related Window Descriptions

Refer the help for IFS Mobile Work Order on your device.


  1. On the Home Screen, tap Work Orders.
  2. Tap on the the work order you wish to report in.
  3. Tap Next until the Report In screen appears.
  4. Report in actions, if you have not already done so.
  5. Tap Next.
  6. In the Customer Signature screen, enter the name of the customer who is to sign off the work order.
  7. Optionally, obtain the customer's signature in the available signature area.
  8. Tap Next.
  9. If you have set up a work order survey to appear at this stage of the work flow, the survey will be opened. Respond to the survey and click Save.
  10. Optionally, enter your signature in the available signature area.
  11. Tap Complete.
  12. In the information message that appears, tap Return if you wish to return the work order to IFS/Work Order Management during synchronization, tap Keep if the work order is to remain on the mobile device or tap Start Return Travel if return travel time needs to be captured.