Authorize Price


This activity is used to authorize exceeding a price limit on work order. This price limit is defined according to the customers' preference in the service line that is connected to the work order.


System Effects

As result of this activity, work order will become available to be released and executed.


Prepare Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/General
Prepare Work Order/Planning
Prepare Work Order/Jobs
Prepare Work Order/Operations
Prepare Work Order/Materials
Prepare Work Order/Requisitions
Prepare Work Order/Tools and Facilities


  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window and query the service line connected work order (F3).
  2. Plan the work order by creating new records (F5) in Planning, Jobs, Operations, Materials, Requisitions or Tools and Facilities tabs. Note: The automatic selection of Price Authorization required check in General tab when the planned price amount exceeds the limit specified in the service line.
  3. Right-click on work order header or the General tab and select Authorize Price. Note: Price Authorization required check clears.