Serial Operational Information/Operational Log

[About Operational Log] [About VIM Access Control] [To Operate Asset]


Use this tab to record operational measures for the selected serial.

When operational loggings are performed, the system checks whether any structural changes (replacements, disconnects, connects) have been performed in the time interval between the operational logging date/time and the current date/time. This ensures that the operational values are spread out on the correct serial structure as it was at logging time. 

Example: An operational event was carried out on 05JAN00, but the operational logging was not performed on the same day. On 07JAN00, the engine of the serial structure was replaced by another engine. Then the operational logging was performed on 08JAN00 (after the replacement). The operational values are required to be spread out on the engine (and its structure) that was replaced on 07JAN00 and not on the structure as it is today.

The two parameters OPER_LOG_MAND_EVENTS and OPER_LOG_SEV_EVENTS defined as Object Properties are used to control the requirements for operational events when performing an operational logging. OPER_LOG_MAND_EVENTS parameter is used to specify that an operational event should be entered for an operational logging. This parameter can have the values Warning, Mandatory or No Requirements, and will control the way in which you will be notified if an operational event is not entered during the operational logging. Observe the following:

OPER_LOG_SEV_EVENTS parameter specifies that multiple operational loggings can be done for a given operational event. This parameter can have the values Warning, Not Allowed or No Requirements. The usage of these values are similar to that of OPER_LOG_MAND_EVENTS parameter. If the value is Warning, a warning message is displayed. For Not Allowed, an error message is displayed, and nothing will be done when the value is No Requirements. 

Activity Diagrams

Make Operational Entry


Report Operational Logging
Fix Operational Log Counter