Wage Hour Analysis

[Time and Attendance Reporting]


Use this window to examine how many hours employees are spending on activities connected to different wage codes or wage types.

In the header, you can specify a period from which data will be displayed. You can also select to summarize employee data to reduce the amount of records in case of a single employee registering multiple records on the same wage code.

The Organization Tree on the left displays all companies and matrix organizations you can access.  It allows you to select from which organization unit/company/matrix organization you will display data. By selecting Selected Unit or Organization Branch you can decide if you want to display data only from the selected unit or if you want to include data from all subordinate units.

The area under Employee Data Selection is your main data filtering tool. It contains 16 fields, starting from top to bottom, and then moving from left to right. The fields determine what data is displayed in the table beneath. For every field you can select a wage code that will be added to the table as a column. You can also select specific calculations, result of which will also be displayed in the table.

Due to said calculations, the field order matters.

Results of such calculations will be displayed as a separate columns in the table.

The area under Data Selection Template allows you to save your data filtering criteria in form of a template. Such a template can be then easily loaded at a later time. Once a template is no longer necessary, it it can be deleted.


Following right-click actions are available in the header:

Following right-click actions are available in the table:

Activity Diagrams

Query Time and Attendance Information


Query Wage Code Hours