Register Time Clock Type Details


This activity is used to specify the different functions that should be available for each Time Clock type. That is, you can enable separate buttons for each function and specify the settings that should apply for each button. Each detail row corresponds to one button on the Time Clock terminal.


In order to perform this activity, Time Clock types are required to be already defined in the Time Clock Types window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Time Clock Type Details

Related Window Descriptions

Time Clock Type Details


  1. Open the Time Clock Type Details window.
  2. Create a new record and enter a value in the Time Clock Type field by using the list.
  3. In the Time Clock Object Name field, enter the object ID to specify the function that should be available in the Time Clock.
  4. In the Button Text field, enter a text to identify the button (button name) in the Time Clock connected to the object ID.
  5. Specify the position of the time clock button defined above by using the X Position and Y Position fields.
  6. Specify the level of the button on the Time Clock by using the Z Position field.
  7. Specify the colors that should apply to the button and the text on the button by using the Button Color and Button Text Color fields respectively. You can select colors from the list.
  8. If you want a picture to apply to the button, connect a picture using the Picture field.
  9. Select the Card Driven Execution check box if the function of the button should be executed by swapping an employee card in the card reader linked to the Time Clock terminal.
  10. Select the Leave Dialog Open check box, if the dialog box opened in the Time Clock using this button should be left open. That is, after one employee uses the dialog box, it will remain open to be used by other employees. Note that this check box will override the time out value specified for the dialog box in the Time Clock Types window.