Define Team Calendar Display Groups


Use this activity to define display groups shown in the calendar. Display groups are used to group Wage Codes or Absences in a single layer that is displayed on the calendar.
Before following the steps, think about what wage codes and absences you want to present as a single piece of information that is useful. For each such group create a row. Keep in mind that when it comes to wage codes, you should limit yourself to 4 groups maximum. When it comes to Absences, you also have to think about absence status (more on this in the activity steps below).


In order to perform this activity, a team calendar template has to be created.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a number of display groups will be registered for the calendar template.


Team Calendar Setup

Related Window Descriptions

Team Calendar Setup


  1. Open the Team Calendar Setup window.
  2. Search or populate to find the relevant calendar template.
  3. On the Display Group tab, add a new row.
  4. In the Display Group ID, enter a unique identifier for a display group.
  5. In the Display Group Name field, enter the name of the display group.
  6. In the Color field, select a color in which the display group will show on the calendar.
  7. In the Display Layer field, select the display layer of for the display group:
  8. If you want to summarize all wage codes or absences in an additional single column that will be visible on the calendar, select the Summary Column check box.
  9. After you defined all relevant display groups, save your changes.