Actions Generated for Employee Absences

According to company policy, there may be standard actions that are required to be initiated in response to employee absences. The type of action required may depend on factors such as the type of absence registered by the employee, the length of the absence and the frequency of occurrence. E.g. If sick leave is registered for a period exceeding one week, a doctor's certificate is required to be issued by the employee. Also, if a certain type of leave is registered repeatedly at regular intervals, a special inquiry should be initiated as an action.

Such standard actions which are required to be initiated according to the occurrence of absence are predefined in the Absence Actions window. The system can then be configured to generate these actions automatically when absences are registered according to such conditions. The following three absence functions defined in the Absence Configuration window can be used to generate absence actions: RYEAR, T-ACTION, G-ACTION.

RYEAR function

The system defined absence function RYEAR is used for two purposes: To count the number of absences registered for the employee within a specified duration and to generate the required actions for such occurrences.

The duration considered for counting absences is specified in the function parameterization and the duration will be calculated by counting the days backwards from the start date of every new absence. E.g. If the duration specified in the function is one month and the employee registers a new absence on the 15th of June, the system will check the absence occurrences within the period of one month preceding the 15th of June.

The function parameterization also determines which predefined action should be generated depending on the frequency of absence occurrence. The parameters used in the configuration of the RYEAR function are as follows: The length of the period during which the number of absence occurrences are counted before generating an action, the number of times the absence is required to recur during the period, the action (defined in the Absence Actions window) which should be generated, the due date for the action to be completed etc.

The Absence/Occurrence Count Control tab will show all the occurrences counted for each absence registered for the employee.

T-ACTION and G-ACTION functions

T-ACTION and G-ACTION are two function types which can be linked to absence types or absence groups respectively in the Absence Configuration window in order to generate actions for employee absences. The parameters used in the configuration of these absence functions are as follows: The day in the absence period on which an action will be generated, the action (predefined in the Absence Actions window) which should be generated, the date on which the action is expected to be completed etc.

Unlinked Actions

Actions are generated only if the conditions specified for the absence functions are fulfilled by a registered absence. However, once an action is completed, it may be required to modify details of the absence. In such a situation, if the already completed absence action is no longer applicable to the new absence, the action will be disconnected from the absence record. This disconnection will be indicated by changing the action type to Unlinked. These unlinked actions which are already completed can later be manually connected to any absence records of the same employee.

Email Notifications

The system events can be configured to send emails to the supervisor of the employee in the following scenarios: When an action is automatically generated or manually registered for the employee, when the employee's absence action is about to expire, i.e. the due date of the action is near or when an action has been disconnected from an absence record (unlinked).