Enter Tax Report Information


Use this activity to create tax reports. Tax reports are used as selection criteria when creating tax proposals in the Automatic Tax Proposal window. If you want to create a tax report for multi-company tax reporting then connect the relevant companies to the tax report.


System Effects

As a result of this activity when the tax report is saved the company in which the tax report was created will be updated in Tax Report\Company tab window. You can also specify tax reports for tax offices, and select tax reports when loading new tax proposals.


Tax Report

Related Window Descriptions

Tax Report


  1. Open the Tax Report window and create a new record.
  2. Enter an ID for the tax report in the Report No field.
  3. Enter a description for the tax report in the Description field.
  4. Select a template to be used for the tax report. Available templates depend on the country of the company. The Obsolete Tax Template checkbox will be selected automatically if a tax report based on a system defined tax template has been made obsolete.
  5. Select appropriate values from the list for the fields Detail Level, Sort Order, Proposal Period/Date Range, Output MediaCorrection Type. The possible values depend on the template used. also
  6. Enter relevant information in the Tax Codes, Tax Account, Tax Book, Tax Structure, Branch, Ref Reports, Sort, Transaction Code, Delivery Type  and Company tabs if appropriate.
  7. Save your changes.