Handle Warranty—Exercises

Initial Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how the customer warranty and supplier warranty are handled for functional and serial objects.

Serial Object /Warranty
Service Request

Warranty on Serial Object

  1. Open the Serial Object window.
  2. Query for Object 8810-1.
  3. Click the Warranty tab. What is the date until which the supplier warranty is valid?
  4. Mark a new line for Supplier Warranty. Right-click, point to Supplier Warranty and then click View. For which cost types and conditions is this supplier warranty valid?
  5. Mark a new line for Customer Warranty. Right-click, point to Customer Warranty and then click View. For which cost types and conditions is the customer warranty valid?

Activate Supplier Warranty on Work Order

  1. Open the Service Request window.
  2. Create a new service request (F5).
  3. Enter the following description of the requested work in the Directive field: Repair of the machine.
  4. Right-click and then click Objects for Customer to select the object 8810-1.
  5. In the Maint. Org. field, select the maintenance organization that will receive the work request. Use the List of Values (F8).
  6. Save your record (F12).
  7. Click the Prepare tab, and check whether the Supplier Warranty check box is checked.
  8. Right-click and then click Prepare.
  9. Right-click on the Prepare Work Order window, point to Warranty, and then click Supplier Warranty.
  10. Choose the warranty for the object.

Activate Customer Warranty on Service Request (Service Management)

  1. Open the Service Request window.
  2. Create a new service request (F5).
  3. Enter the following description of the requested work in the Directive field: Repair of the machine.
  4. In the Customer No field, enter Will.
  5. Right-click and then click Objects for Customer to select the object 8810-1.
  6. In the Maint. Org. field, select the Maintenance Organization that will receive the work request (F8).
  7. Save your record (F12).

Basic Data Setup

Exercise Name

Purpose: The following basic data is required for running the exercises below.

Data Type Code ID Description Comments
Condition 4 1 year warranty
Warranty Action 11 Return for repair
Symptom 12 Unexpected stop
Supplier 8800 Epson Inc
Customer 8800 Epson Inc The same as the supplier ID
Customer 3000 Pulp and Paper Mill
Sales part 40001 Service Work
Sales Part 40002 Warranty work

Add Supplier Warranty Information Manually to an Object

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to create a serial object and connect a supplier warranty to the object manually. 

Note: Warranty information can also be created automatically for equipment objects.

Serial Object

Create Serial Object 

  1. Open the Serial Object window.
  2. In the Part No field, enter
8810. Use the List of Values (F8).
  • Enter a serial number for the part. (The serial number must not have been used previously.)
  • Save your changes.
  • Add Supplier Warranty Manually

    1. Open the Serial Object window, and search for the object that you created in the previous exercise (8810-X).
    2. Open the Warranty tab.
    3. Create a supplier warranty line for the object (F5).
    4. In the Supplier field, enter supplier 8800. Use the List of Values (F8).

    Note: The supplier that you select should be set up as a customer with the same ID as the supplier. 

    1. Enter a valid-from and valid-until date for the supplier warranty.
    2. Save the supplier warranty line.
    3. Select the created line, right-click and point to Supplier Warranty and then click Create/Edit.
    4. Create a new warranty type.
    5. Enter a warranty type ID and description.
    6. Make sure that the check boxes for the cost types covered under the warranty are checked. Also make sure that at least the Personnel cost type is checked (this means covered under the warranty).
    7. Click Apply.
    8. Create a condition line by double-clicking the first empty line. 
    9. Select the condition for a one-year warranty, condition 4, and click OK.
    10. Click Apply.
    11. On the supplier warranty line, you should also select a warranty action to describe what action should be taken. Select the Repair warranty action.
    12. Also select a symptom to describe what kind of problem is covered under the warranty. Select Symptom Breakdown.
    13. Save your changes.

    Note: To simplify the entry of warranty information, you can apply a warranty template instead. 

    Process a Work Order with Supplier Warranty

    Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to activate the supplier warranty on a work order, and process the warranty work order to see how the warranty setting automatically creates posting lines that can be invoiced to a supplier.

    Note: This workflow requires that you use a Service Management executable.

    Prepare Work Order
    Report In Work Order
    Transfer to Customer Order

    Create a Work Order and Activate Supplier Warranty

    1. Open the Prepare Work Order window, and create a new work order.
    2. Select the object ID that you created in the previous exercise.
    3. Enter a directive to describe what should be done on the work order.
    4. Select a maintenance organization 1300/Service Department.
    5. Save your changes.

    Note: The Supplier Warranty check box should be checked, indicating that the object has an active warranty.

    1. Right-click, point to Warranty, and then click Supplier Warranty.
    2. Select a warranty type from the window that appears. Make sure that at least Personnel is covered under the warranty type.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Save your changes.
    5. Go to the Prepare tab to check if the Warranty Type and Supplier fields are now filled in.

    Report in Work Order under Supplier Warranty

    1. In the Prepare Work Order window, right-click and then click Report In to open the Report in Work Order window. Or you can open the window directly.
    2. Query for the work order that you created in previous exercise.
    3. Go to the Time Report tab and create a new time report line.
    4. Enter 2 hours. The maintenance organization should appear automatically.
    5. Save your changes.
    6. Go to the Postings tab. 
    7. From the time report line that you just entered, two posting lines have been created. The line that was created automatically contains the supplier ID information and a sales price. This is the line that should be invoiced to the supplier.

    Note: By looking in the Cost Source field, you can determine which posting line generated the new posting line automatically.  

    1. Add a sales part ID (40002/Warranty work) to the last line (F8). This is required to invoice the line.
    2. Save your changes.
    3. Right-click and then click Authorize All Non-authorized Lines
    4. Select an authorizer from the List, and click OK.
    5. Go to the CO Information tab.
    6. In the Customer No field, enter the same supplier ID (8800/Epson Inc) that appeared on the posting line.
    7. Select a coordinator for the work order.

    Invoice Work Order under Supplier Warranty

    1. From the header in the Report In Work Order window, right-click and then click Transfer to Customer Order.
    2. Both posting lines appear in the Transfer to Customer Order window. Only the line with the sales part information should be invoiced to the supplier.
    3. Select the line that should not be invoiced, and right-click and then click Not Invoiceable (or first click Invoiceable and then Not Invoiceable).
    4. Select the line that should be invoiced, right-click and then click Invoiceable.
    5. Mark the Invoiceable line and select Create Customer Order line.
    6. Select the line again, right-click and then click Customer Order.
    7. The customer order to which the posting line was added will appear. Right-click and then click Release. If the customer order type (SEO) and the Customer (=Supplier) were set up correctly, the customer order will now be processed to Invoiced/Closed.
    8. Go to Archived Reports and populate the window. The invoice and invoice specification should appear. Preview the invoice specification by selecting it and right-clicking and clicking Print/Preview.

    Add Customer Warranty Information Manually to an Object

    Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a serial object and connect and customer warranty to the object manually.

    Serial Object

    Add Customer Warranty Manually on Object

    1. Open the Serial Object window, and search for the object that you created in the previous exercise (8810-X).
    2. Open the Warranty tab.
    3. Create a customer warranty for the object (F5).
    4. Enter a valid-from and valid-until date for the customer warranty.
    5. Save the customer warranty line.

    Note: You must enter the date on the customer warranty line to be able to see the warranty's valid-from and valid-to dates and to determine whether the customer has a valid warranty when entering a service request. 

    1. Select the customer warranty line, right-click and point to Customer Warranty Type and then click Create/Edit.
    2. Create a new warranty type.
    3. Enter a warranty type ID and description.
    4. Make sure that the check boxes for the cost types covered under the warranty are not checked. Make sure, at least, that the Personnel cost type is not checked (this means covered under warranty).
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Create a condition line by double-clicking the first empty line.
    7. Select the condition for a one-year warranty (Condition id 4), and click OK.
    8. Click Apply.
    9. On the customer warranty line, you should also select a warranty action to describe what action should be taken. Select Warranty Action Repair.
    10. Select a symptom to describe what kind of problem is covered under the warranty. Select Symptom Breakdown.
    11. Save your changes.

    Note: To simplify the entry of warranty information, you can apply a warranty template instead.

    Process a Work Order with Customer Warranty 

    Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to activate a customer warranty on a service request to see how the warranty settings affect the invoicing of a work order.

    Service Request
    Report In Work Order

    Create a Service Request and Activate Customer Warranty (Service Management)

    1. Open the Service Request window, and create a new request (F5).
    2. Select the object for which you defined a customer warranty in the previous exercise in Create Serial Object.
    3. Enter text in the Short Description field to describe what needs to be done on the service request, i.e., Repair Object.
    4. Select the customer ID 3000/Pulp and Paper Mill.
    5. Select an maintenance organization (1300/Service Department)
    6. Save your changes.
    7. Right-click and then click Customer Warranty Type.

    Note: In this window, you will see one line per customer warranty type and condition that is connected to the object. Not Personnel, Not Material, etc., indicates that the warranty covers these types of costs, and the customer, by default, will not be charged for them. 

    1. Select a warranty type set up with Not Personnel, and click OK.
    2. Save your changes.
    3. Go to the Service Request/CO Information tab. Here you can see the warranty type that was selected. Right-click and then click Customer Warranty Type again, to change the warranty type.

    Report in Work Order under Customer Warranty (Service Management)

    1. Open the Report in Work Order window, and query for the work order that you created in the previous exercise.
    2. Go to the Time Report tab, and create a new time report line.
    3. Enter 2 hours. The maintenance organization should appear automatically.
    4. Save your changes.
    5. Go to the Postings tab. 
    6. Make sure a sales part appears on the posting line. If not, select an appropriate sales part (F8). This is required to invoice the line.
    7. Save your changes.
    8. Right-click and then click Authorize All Non-authorized Lines
    9. Select an Authorizer from the List, and click OK.
    10. Go to the CO Information tab, and make sure that the customer ID has been added.
    11. Select a coordinator for the work order.
    12. Save your changes.

    Invoice Work Order under Customer Warranty 

    1. From the header in Report in Work Order, right-click and then click Transfer to Customer Order.
    2. The posting line should appear, and it will be set, by default, to Keep Revenue = No. 

    Note: All posting lines that are covered under customer warranty, by default, will be set to Keep Revenue = No. You can then transfer the line to a customer order at zero price, or not transfer the line to a customer order at all. If you want to transfer the zero price line, the line must be set to Invoiceable. If you do not want to transfer the line to a customer order, the line should be changed to Not Invoiceable. Otherwise, you will not be able to set the work order to the Finished status. You can also change Keep Revenue to Yes, if you would like to invoice the customer.

    1. Change the line to Not Invoiceable.
    2. Return to the Report In Work Order window.
    3. Enter an actual finish date for the work order.
    4. Change the status of the work order to Finished. This sends the work order to the historical work order table.

    Process a Work Order with Customer and Supplier Warranty 

    Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to activate both the customer warranty and the supplier warranty on a work order and see how the warranty settings affect the invoicing of a work order.

    Service Request
    Prepare Work Order
    Report In Work Order
    Transfer to Customer Order

    Create a Service Request and Activate Customer Warranty and Supplier Warranty 

    1. Open the Service Request window, and create a new request (F5).
    2. Select the object for which you defined a customer warranty in the previous exercise in Create Serial Object.
    3. Enter text in the Short Description field to describe what needs to be done on the service request, i.e., Repair Object.
    4. Select the customer ID 3000/Pulp and Paper Mill. This should be the customer who requests the service.
    5. Select a maintenance organization.
    6. Save your changes.
    7. Right-click and then click Customer Warranty Type.
    8. Select a warranty type that was set up with Not Personnel (this means personnel that is covered under warranty), and click OK.
    9. Save your changes.
    10. Go to the Prepare tab. The Supplier Warranty check box should be checked, indicating that the object has an active supplier warranty.
    11. Right-click and then click Prepare. This opens the Prepare Work Order window.
    12. Right-click, point to Warranty, and then click Supplier Warranty.
    13. Select a warranty type that at a minimum covers personnel costs.
    14. Click OK.
    15. Save your changes.

    Report in Work Order under Customer and Supplier Warranty 

    1. Open the Report in Work Order window, and query for the work order that you created in the previous exercise.
    2. Go to the Time Report tab, and create a new time report line.
    3. Enter 2 hours. The maintenance organization should populate automatically.
    4. Save your changes.
    5. Go to the Postings tab.

    Note: From the time report line that you just entered, two posting lines have been created. One line contains cost and price information and should be invoiced (or not invoiced) to the customer. The other line was created automatically and contains supplier ID information and a sales price, but no cost (the sales price on this line is the same as the internal cost on the previous line). This is the line that should be invoiced to the supplier.

    1. Make sure that both posting lines have a sales part connected. This is required to invoice the line.
    2. Also make sure that the supplier ID appears in the Alt Cust field on the automatically created posting line. If it does not appear (you may have forgotten to define it in the object's supplier warranty) you can manually select a supplier.
    3. Right-click and then click Authorize All Non-authorized Lines
    4. Select an authorizer from the List, and click OK.
    5. Go to the CO Information tab.
    6. The Multiple Customer Exist check box should now be checked (refresh the work order by selecting Shift+F5). This indicates that the work order will be invoiced to two parties.
    7. Select a coordinator for the work order.
    8. Save your changes.

    Invoice Work Order under Supplier Warranty

    1. From the header in the Report In Work Order window, right-click and then click Transfer to Customer Order.
    2. Both posting lines appear in the Transfer to Customer Order window.
    3. The customer's posting line should be set to Keep Revenue = No, and the supplier's posting line should be set to Keep Revenue = Yes.
    4. Make sure both lines have the Invoiceable status. If not, right click and click To Invoiceable.
    5. Select the lines, and select Create Customer Order line. A window may appear prompting you to confirm the price difference between the regular sales price for the part and the price that is defined on the supplier's posting line (the price on this line is not the regular sales price but your internal cost). Select the Confirmed check box, and click OK. The two posting lines have been added to two separate customer orders.
    6. Select the lines again, right-click and then click Customer Order. Both customer orders will appear (look in the drop down box for Order No to find the second customer order).
    7. Release both customer orders by selecting Release in the customer order header.
    8. If the customer order type (SEO) and customer and supplier are defined correctly, the customer order will now be processed to Invoiced/Closed.
    9. Go to Archived Reports, and populate the window. The invoice and invoice specification should appear. Preview the invoice specification by selecting it and right-clicking and clicking Print/Preview.