Initial Exercise—Work Processing 1

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is that the instructor will use them for demonstrating the basic functionality in Work Processing, which entails:

These Initial Exercises are intended for instructor use.

Plan and Prepare Work Request and Fault Report

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for planning and preparing work orders, and to demonstrate how to evaluate work requests and fault reports. In this way, you can become familiar with the work order process.

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Priority 3 Action within 1 week
Prepared by SAMI Sam Miller
Work Leader  MAME Martin Mechanic
Signature WIWE Willy Welder
Maintenance Organization 1100 Mechanical department

Craft ID

60 Machine Engineer
Tools and Facilities Type ALI-10M Shaft Alignment Equipment >10M

Fault Report or Active Service Requests
Prepare Work Order

  1. Open the Active Work Requests window. 
  2. Populate the window (F2).
  3. Look at the work orders with the Work Request or Fault Report status.
  4. Select one optional work order, right-click and point to Work Order Status, and then click Observed
  5. Select the same work order again, right-click and then click Prepare. The Prepare Work Order window appears. You can use this window to plan and prepare the work order further.
  6. Change the status on this work order. The status is shown in the upper right corner. Right-click and point to Work Order Status, and then click Under Preparation.
  7. Add or change the planning schedule information (start and finish dates).
  8. In the Priority field, add or change the priority of the work order using the List of Values (F8).
  9. On the Prepare tab, select an appropriate signature in the Prepared By field. Also add a work leader. Use the List of Values (F8). 
  10. Save the new information (F12).
  11. Click the Free Notes tab. Add some notes about the work order. Create a new line (F5), enter a page number, a title, and some notes. 
  12. Save your changes (F12).
  13. Click the Operations tab to prepare operation requirements on the work order.
  14. Create a new row (F5). 
  15. Enter an appropriate signature, maintenance organization, craft ID, and planned hours using the List of Values (F8).
  16. Save the new row (F12). You have now prepared your work order.  
  17. If you also want to plan your work order with tools and facilities click the Tools and Facilities tab, and create a new record (F5).
  18. Select a tool and facility type using List of Values (F8). It's also possible to enter a tool and facility ID using List of Values (F8).
  19. Enter the quantity and planned hours of the tool/facility that will be used for the work order.
  20. Save the new row (F12).
  21. Add material requirements to the work order (see the next two exercises), or if you are satisfied, right-click and point to Work Order Status, and then click Prepared

Create Material Requisition

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for creating a material requisition in a simple manner. This step is important when you plan and prepare material on a work order.

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Signature WIWE Willy Welder

Part Number


Bearing set APP20-300

Prepare Work Order
Maintenance Material Requisition

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. Query (F3) for a work order with the Work Request status. Hint: When you query, set the value Work Request in the Status field.
  3. Select one optional work order.
  4. Click the Materials tab.
  5. Create a new record (F5), and select the signature of the person who will enter this material requisition. Use the List of Values (F8).
  6. If you would like the material to be delivered to a certain place within the company, select an appropriate internal destination using the List of Values (F8).
  7. Save the new information (F12).
  8. Place the cursor in the table, and use once again the New button or (F5).
  9. Select the Part Number you need, when you need the part, and the quantity required. Use the List of Values (F8).
  10. Save the new line (F12).

Note: For each part (line) can you see how many have already been issued and how many are available in inventory.

  1. Open the Maintenance Material Requisition window.
  2. Query (F3) for the work order that you entered above. Hint: Query for the work order number.

Note: In this window, you can view material requisitions for inventory parts and non-inventory parts that are connected to a certain work order.

Create Purchase Requisition

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for creating a purchase requisition in a simply manner. This step is important when you plan and prepare material on a work order.

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Part Number 10520001 Single Roller Bearing

Prepare Work Order

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. Query (F3) for the work order that you entered above with the Work Request status.
  3. Click the Requisitions tab.

Note: On this tab, you can create requisitions for inventory parts, non-inventory parts, e.g., external crafts that are needed for a work order.

  1. Create a new record (F5), and then save the new requisition header (F12). The requisition number is automatically assigned from a number series when the information is saved.
  2. In the table on the Part Requisition Lines tab, create a new record.

Note: On the Part Requisition Lines tab, you enter the requisition lines for the inventory parts that must be purchased. On the No Part Requisition Lines tab, you enter the requisition lines for the non-inventory parts and external crafts.

  1. Select the part number that you need for this purchase requisition using the List of Values (F8).
  2. Enter the quantity that you need of this part.
  3. Save the new line (F12).
  4. To release the purchase requisition line, highlight it, right-click and then click Release Requisition Line.
  5. You can also release the entire order with all the lines, by right-clicking and then clicking Release in the order header.

Create Repair Work Order for Serial Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to give you an overview of how to work with repair work orders.

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Serial Object ID 10326823-1001 Pump motor A
Functional Object ID (workshop)  MECHANICAL  Mechanical Workshop
Maintenance Organization 1100 Mechanical Department

Reported by


Martin Mechanic

Serial Objects
New Repair Work Order for Serial Part
Repair Work Orders

  1. Open the Serial Objects window, and query (F3) for an optional serial object ID that has the serial status In Facility. Hint: When you query, set the value In Facility in the Serial Status field.
  2. Select an appropriate serial object ID.
  3. Open the New Repair Work Order for Serial Part window. Select the serial object ID in the Object ID field using the List of Values.
  4. Select a functional object ID (workshop) where the serial object is to be moved. Use the List of Values.
  5. Enter the date and the planned finish date for the work order.
  6. In the Directive field, enter a brief description of what needs to be repaired.
  7. Select an executing department using the List of Values.
  8. In the Reported By field, select the signature of the person who made the report. Use the List of Values.
  9. Click OK.
  10. A message appears indicating the ID of the repair work order that you just created.
  11. Open the Repair Work Orders window.
  12. Populate the window with all repair work orders (F2). You can now find the repair work order that you just created. 
  13. Highlight your repair work order, and right-click and then click Prepare to prepare the work order further.

Create Repair Work Order for Non-serial Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to give you an overview of how to work with repair work orders for non-serial parts.

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Functional Object ID (workshop) MECHANICAL Mechanical Workshop
Part Number


Pump Centrifugal APP3
Maintenance Organization  1200 Electrical Department

Reported by

ELEL Eli Electrician

New Repair Work Order for Non Serial Part
Repair Work Orders

  1. Open the New Repair Work Order for Non Serial Part window.
  2. Enter an appropriate object ID and the part number of the non-serial part that needs repair. Use the List of Values.

Note: The part must have been selected as Repairable in the Inventory Part window to be repairable.

  1. Enter the planned start and finish dates for the work order.
  2. In the Directive field, enter a brief description of what needs to be repaired.
  3. Select an executing department using the List of Values.
  4. In the Reported By field, select the signature of the person who made the report. Use the List of Values.
  5. Click OK. A message appears indicating the ID of the repair work order that you just created.
  6. Open the Repair Work Orders window.
  7. Populate the window for all repair work orders (F2).You can now find the repair work order that you just created. The Non Serial Repair WO check box is checked.
  8. Highlight your repair work order, and right-click and then click Prepare to prepare the work order further.

Active Route Work Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you what information will be reported on a route work order.  

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Signature MAME Martin Mechanic
Part Number  10600022 Bearing set APP20-300

Active Routes

Note: Before you do this exercise, you should have done the initial exercise for Route PM Actions in the PM Processing course.

  1. Open the Active Routes window.
  2. Populate the window (F2).
  3. Select one or more rows with the Work Request status. Right-click and then click Report In Route Work Order.
  4. Look at the information that is retrieved from the Route PM Action window.
  5. In the different tabs, you can see information on the material, requisitions, permits, etc., that are connected to this route work order. 
  6. On this work order, you have to add more material that was needed when performing the route. Click the Materials tab.
  7. Create a new record, and query for an appropriate signature. Use the List of Values (F8).
  8. Save the material header (F12). 
  9. In the table, create a new record.
  10. Enter a part number and the quantity required. Use the List of Values (F8). Save the new row (F12). Is this inventory part available in inventory? 
  11. Does this route work order demand certain competencies (crafts) for performing the work?
  12. Look at the Postings tab. In this tab, you can enter, adjust, authorize, and view the transactions that are connected to a route work order. 

Note: In IFS Applications for Service Management, you can also transfer the transactions to IFS/Customer Orders.

  1. Return to the General tab. Which status does this route work order have, and how can you simply change the status to another? 
  2. Change the status to an appropriate one.

Report In Work Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to become familiar with the work order process, and to get an overview of the information that you should report in on a work order. 

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Class 20 Mechanical
Performed Action  5 Lubrication
Cause 1 Planned Stop
Employee ID 2010 Willy Welder


SAMI Sam Miller
Tool and Facility ID ALI-4500-4 Rotalign Shaft Alignment System

Active Work Orders
Report In Work Order

  1. Open the Active Work Orders window.
  2. Query data (F3). In the Status field, select Prepared and press OK. All work orders with the Prepared status are now retrieved in the window.

Note: The status of your work order should have been changed to Prepared, in the Plan and Prepare Work Request and Fault Report exercise, performed previously.

  1. Select one of the work orders, right-click and then click Report In.
  2. Look at the different tabs in the Report In Work Order window. 

Note: The CO Information tab is used only in IFS Applications for Service Management.

  1. Click the Report In tab. Information about the work done should be entered. Enter values regarding class, performed action, and cause. Use the List of Values (F8). Also enter a more detailed description of the cause in the Cause Description field.
  2. If not yet done, enter the actual start and finish dates.
  3. Save the new information (F12).
  4. Click the Time Report tab to report in time used on this work order.
  5. Create a new record, and then select an appropriate Employee ID using the List of Values (F8). 
  6. Enter the number of hours that were spent on this work order.
  7. Click the Materials tab. Information such as material used, etc., could be entered on this tab.
  8. If you want to report any tools and facilities click the Tools and Facilities tab and use the New function.
  9. In the Tool/Facility ID field, use List of Values to enter a tool/facility ID. 

Note: If you have prepared the work order with only a tool and facility type you will have to enter a tool and facility ID before changing the work order status to “Prepare” or higher.

  1. In the Quantity field, specify the quantity of the tool/facility used for the work order. 
  2. In the Report Hours field, specify the number of used hours. The used hours specified is then accumulated to the value in the Reported Hours field. Save the information.
  3. Right-click and point to Work Order Status, and then click Reported.

Note: Before you can conclude the work order, you need to authorize the postings.

  1. Click the Postings tab. Here you can see all the expenses on the work order.
  2. Right-click and then click Authorize All Non-Authorized Postings. Select a Signature and click OK. The work order is now concluded. 
  3. Return to the Report In tab, and change the status to Finished.
  4. Close this window.

Note: From now on, the work order can be found in the Historical Work Orders window.

Service Order Concluding

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to process a service work order through to invoicing.

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Customer ID  3000 Pulp and Paper Mill
Coordinator SAMI Sam Miller
Customer Order Type  SEO Service Order
Employee ID SASE Sally Service

Report In Work Order
Archived Reports

  1. Open the Report In Work Order window. Retrieve a service work order. Hint: Query (F3) and enter the % symbol in the Customer ID column. Then click OK

Note: You can now find all service work orders by using the drop down list by the WO No. field.

  1. Click the CO Information tab.

  2. Select a coordinator from the List of Values.

  3. Select Customer Order Type SEO from the List of Values.

  4. Save the new information.

  5. Click the Time Report tab to report some time. Create a new record. Select an employee ID from the List of Values. When you select this employee, the maintenance organization, craft, sales part, and cost should automatically populate on the line.

  6. In the Hours field, report three hours of work.

  7. Save the new line.

  8. Click the Postings tab. 

  9. The time you entered on the Time Report tab appears as a posting line. Select the line, and right-click and then click Authorize Selected Rows. Select an appropriate signature, and click OK to confirm.

  10. Click the Report In tab, and right-click and then click Transfer to Customer Order.

  11. Select the row in the table (the time report row), and right-click and then click Create Customer Order Line.

  12. Select the same row again, and right-click and then click Customer Order.

  13. The Customer Order window appears. In the customer order header, right-click and then Release.

  14. Refresh the customer order. 

  15. When the status shows Partially Delivered or Invoiced/Closed, go to the Archived Reports window.

  16. Populate the window (F2).

  17. The invoice and invoice specification that were created now appear. 

  18. Select the invoice specification document, and right-click and then click Print.

  19. Preview the document.

After Sales

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the after-sales functionality available from IFS/Customer Orders.

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Customer ID 3000 Pulp and Paper Mill
Order Type SEO  Service Order
Coordinator SAMI Sam Miller
Sales Part Number 8800 Epson copy machine
Superior SM Object 3000 Customer Pulp and Paper Mill
Work Type 20 Installation

Maintenance Organization 

1300  Service Department 

Customer Order
Service Request

  1. Open the Customer Order window, and create a new customer order (F5).
  2. In the Customer field, select a customer ID using the List of Values (F8).
  3. In the Order Type field, select an order type, if one is not automatically defined. Use the List of Values (F8).
  4. In the Coordinator field, select a coordinator using the List of Values (F8).
  5. Save the customer order header (F12).
  6. In the table, create a new customer order line (F5).
  7. Optionally, select a sales part number, and set the sales quantity to 1. Use the List of Values (F8).
  8. Save the new line (F12).
  9. Make sure that the Create SM Object check box is checked on the new customer order line.
  10. Optionally, select a superior SM object in the Superior SM Object field. Use the List of Values (F8). 
  11. Save the new information (F12). 
  12. Select the created customer order line, and right-click and then click Service Request.
  13. In the Service Request window, and enter a brief description of the service that will be performed. 
  14. In the Work Type field, select a work type using the List of Values (F8).
  15. In the Executing Dept field, select the maintenance organization that will be responsible for the work. Use the List of Values (F8).
  16. Save the service request (F12).
  17. Click the CO Information tab, and view the customer order information, e.g., order number, delivery date, and status, that has been added automatically to the service request.
  18. Return to the Customer Order window. 
  19. In the customer order header, and right-click and then click Release.
  20. Refresh the customer order (Shift+F5), and make sure that the customer order status is Delivered or Invoiced/Closed.
  21. Return to the Service Request window, and refresh it (Shift+F5).
  22. The object ID on the General tab should have been added automatically to the service request. The service request can now be further processed.

Enter Customer Agreement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the basic functionality for customer agreements.

Customer Agreement

  1. Open the Customer Agreement window.
  2. Enter a new customer agreement (F5).
  3. Enter a value in the Agreement field. Alternatively, leave the field blank, and the system will assign a number to the agreement.
  4. Enter a description of the agreement in the Description field.
  5. Enter a valid currency for the agreement in the Currency field.
  6. In the Customer field, enter customer 1000. 
  7. In the Coordinator field, enter SAM1. This is the internal owner of the agreement. Later, it will become important when service orders or payment plans, etc., are invoiced.
  8. Save the agreement header (F12).
  9. Click the General tab, and enter a From and To date for the agreement. You can also leave it blank. The agreement is then valid from today, with an open end date. Save the new information (F12).
  10. In the Deal per Part tab, you can enter the sales part number for which the agreement is valid.
  11. In the Deal per Sales Group tab you can enter the sales group for which this agreement is valid.
  12. If the agreement is only valid for a certain site, the site can be entered in the Valid for Sites tab.
  13. In the header of the agreement, right-click and then click Activate. You can now start using the service agreement.

Use Service Agreement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with how to use a service agreement, where the service requested (work type) on a service request is defined as a fixed price service in the customer agreement's service agreement.

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Work Type  703 Emergency Service
Customer  1000 Customer 1000
Object ID 6600-3 Canon Copy Machine
Agreement ID  A1 Combined Agreement
Employee ID SASE Sally Service

Service Request
Archived Reports

  1. Open the Service Request window, and enter a new service request (F5).
  2. In the Short Description field, enter text that describes the service the customer is requesting or the problem the customer is experiencing, e.g., Machine needs inspection.
  3. In the Work Type field, select a work type using the List of Values (F8).
  4. In the Customer Name field, select a customer using the List of Values (F8).
  5. Right-click and then click Objects for Customer.

Note: To use an agreement on a service request, the work type, object, and customer on the service request must match the setup in the customer agreement.

  1. Select the object ID and agreement ID shown in the table below. Click Select.
  2. Save the service request (F12).
  3. Click the Prepare tab. Note that the Fixed Price check box is checked. This indicates that the customer should be invoiced a fixed price and that a fixed price line has been created for this purpose on the service order.
  4. Right-click and then click Prepare.
  5. Click the Planning tab. Note that a fixed price line has automatically been created, which shows that the service order will be invoiced.
  6. In the header of the Prepare Work Order window, right-click and point to Work Order Status and then click Release. This changes the service order's status to Released.
  7. Right-click and point to Work Order Status, and then click Report In.
  8. Click the Postings tab. The fixed price line should appear. The posting line is automatically created as the service order is released.
  9. Click the Time Report tab.
  10. Create a new time report line (F5), and report two hours of work for the employee ID. Save the new line (F12).
  11. Click the Postings tab, right-click and then click Authorize all Non-Authorized. Enter an appropriate signature. Use the List of Values.
  12. Open the Report in Work Order window. In the header of the window, right-click and then click Transfer to Customer Order.
  13. Two lines appear in the Transfer to Customer Order window. By default, the personnel line is set to Keep Revenue: No. By default, the Fixed Price line is set to Keep Revenue: Yes. This means that both lines can be transferred to a customer order, but the personnel line will appear as a customer order line with zero price. The fixed price line will appear with a certain price.

Note: Make sure that your work order has a coordinator. Otherwise, you can add it directly from the Transfer to Customer Order window, by right-clicking and selecting Add Coordinator to Work Order. Then you need to select a signature and click OK.

  1. Select both lines, and right-click and then click Create Customer Order Line.
  2. Select both lines again, and right-click and then click Customer Order. (This requires that the customer order component be included in the executable in which you are working.)
  3. In the Customer Order header, right-click and then click Release. This processes the customer order to the Invoiced/Closed status.
  4. Open the Archived Reports window, and populate it (F12). Look at the invoice and invoice specification. Select the line, and right-click and then click Print.

View Work Center Load on WO

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how the IFS Maintenance and IFS Manufacturing solutions exchange load information. 

Prerequisites: See the table below.

Data Type Value Description
Object ID  PM-311-PA-001 Feed Water Pump 001
Maintenance Organization   1000   Maintenance Department 

Prepare Work Order

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. Create a new work order (F5) for the object ID using the List of Values (F8).
  3. Optionally, enter a directive in the Directive field.
  4. Enter today's date as the start date, and tomorrow's date as the finish date.
  5. Select an maintenance organization using the List of Values (F8).
  6. Save the new work order (F12).
  7. Click the Prepare tab. In the Work Center Load section, you will be able to see whether there are any shop orders planned on the work center during the work order's planned execution time.