Preparing External Repair Orders—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup

Setting up a Maintenance Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that a maintenance organization has been set up at your site, which is required for the creation of a work order.

Organization Basic Data

  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window and click the Maintenance Organizations tab.
  2. Verify that the following maintenance organization: 4400, CPCS Service Dept, has been set up and that it is connected to your site.

General Exercise for Setting up a Maintenance Organization

Purchase Component Method

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that Customer Order has been defined as the default purchase component method at your site. This will make it possible to convert a purchase order to a customer order and then ship the part as a no-charge component to the supplier for external maintenance or repair service.


  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Query for your site and click the Sales and Procurement tab.
  3. In the Purchase Component Method field, verify that Customer Order is selected.

General Exercise for Purchase Component Method

Default Customer Order Type

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that a default customer order type has been defined. The type to be defined should have no stops to prevent the background customer order flow from being stopped at various points (picking, shipping, etc.). That would require the user to restart the flow each time.

Sales Basic Data

  1. Open the Sales Basic Data window
  2. Click the Order Types tab and populate it.
  3. In the Order Type list, select RO (Repair Order). 
  4. Verify that the Priority Reservations and Use Shipment Inventory check boxes are not selected.
  5. In the table below, verify that none of the events has the Stop After check box selected.

External Service Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that external service types have been defined and connected to a customer order type.

Procurement Basic Data

  1. Open the Procurement Basic Data window.
  2. Click the External Service Types tab and verify that the data shown below has been set up.

External Service

Service Description

Def Cust Order Type


Overhaul--Outflow Valve Motor



Repair--CPCS Wire Harness



Exchange--CPCS Wire Harness



Repair--Cabin Pressure Controller Power Supply


General Exercise for External Service Types

External Service Prices

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that prices have been specified for the external service types.

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window and populate it.
  2. In the Part No list, select each part number and supplier combination identified below.
  3. Click the External Service Pricing tab and verify that the data shown below has been set up.

Part No.



External Service Type


Valid From



Outflow Valve



Overhaul--Outflow Valve Motor

Today's date



Wire Harness



Repair--CPCS Wire Harness

Today's date



Wire Harness



Exchange--CPCS Wire Harness

Today's date



Wire Harness



Repair--CPCS Wire Harness

Today's date



Wire Harness



Exchange--CPCS Wire Harness

Today's date



Cabin Pressure Controller



Repair--Cabin Pressure Controller Power Supply

Today's date



Cabin Pressure Controller



Repair--Cabin Pressure Controller Power Supply

Today's date


General Exercise for External Service Prices

Defining Suppliers for Purchase Parts at Your Site

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that suppliers have been defined for each purchase part at your site.

Supplier for Purchase Part

  1. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window and verify that the information in the table shown below has been set up in the window header and on the General tab.
Header General Tab
Part No. Part Description Supplier Purchase Unit Price (USD) Price Unit External Services Allowed Supplier Has Been Converted to Customer Purchase Part Has Been Converted to Sales Part
111 Outflow Valve ALLIED PCS 2000 PCS Selected Yes Yes
212 Wire Harness AERO PCS 400 PCS Selected Yes Yes
212 Wire Harness ROBSON PCS 400 PCS Selected Yes Yes
213 Wire Harness ROBSON PCS 400 PCS Selected Yes Yes
314 Cabin Pressure Controller TGS PCS 15,000 PCS Selected Yes Yes
315 Cabin Pressure Controller TGS PCS 15,000 PCS Selected Yes Yes

General Exercise for Supplier for Purchase Part

Creating a Requisitioner

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that you have defined yourself as a requisitioner so you will be able to create purchase requisitions. Note: Entering yourself as a requisitioner requires that you have been recorded in the Person window.

Procurement Basic Data

  1. Open the Procurement Basic Data window and click the Requisitioners tab.
  2. In the Requisitioner ID field, query for your ID.

General Exercise for Creating a Requisitioner

Required Data Setup

Creating a Work Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a work order to be used as the foundation for all subsequent exercises.

Prepare Work Order

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window and create a new record.
  2. In the WO Site field, enter the ID of your site or select it from the List of Values.
  3. In the Directive field, enter Correcting Problems with Cabin Pressure Control System. 
  4. Go to the General tab, where you need to enter values in several fields.
  5. Under Object, Equipment appears by default in the Connection Type field.
  6. Under Planning Schedule, enter a start and finish date and, optionally, a late start and requested finish date.
  7. Under Planning Information, in the Maint. Org. field enter 4400 (CPCS Service Dept).
  8. Save the record and note the work order number.

Main Exercises

Creating Purchase Requisition Headers 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to create a requisition header, which is the first step in creating a purchase requisition. Note: You will need to create a new requisition header before you create a new requisition line for the second and third part described in the following exercise.

Prepare Work Order

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window and query for the work order you created in the previous exercise.
  2. Click the Requisitions tab and create a new record.
  3. In the Requisitioner field, enter your requisitioner ID or select it from the List of Values.
  4. The Site field shows your default site.
  5. Today's date is automatically displayed in the Requisition Date field.
  6. Select the External Service check box. This automatically assigns order code 6 (External Service Order) to the purchase requisition and requires you to enter an external service type on the Part Requisition Lines tab when you complete the purchase requisition line.
  7. Save the record. A requisition number is automatically assigned by the system and is shown in the Requisition No field. The status of the requisition header is Planned.
  8. Save the record and note the requisition number.

Creating Purchase Requisition Lines

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to create a requisition line, which is the second step in creating a purchase requisition.  In this exercise, you will create three requisitions lines:

Prepare Work Order

Outflow Valve—Part No. 111, Serial No. A1, Lot/Batch No. 23

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window and query for the work order you created.
  2. Click the Requisitions tab and query for the requisition you created in the previous exercise.
  3. On the Part Requisition Lines tab, create a new record.
  4. In the Part No field, enter 111 or select it from the List of Values.
  5. The Supplier field automatically shows ALLIED (Allied Aerospace) as the primary supplier of this part. Note: If no supplier were connected to the part, you could right-click, click Supplier for Part, and then enter a supplier for the part.
  6. In the Original Quantity field, enter 1. This indicates that one item of part no. 111 is to be sent to Allied Aerospace for external service.
  7. In the Serial No field on the requisition line, enter A1 or select it from the List of Values.
  8. In the Lot Batch No field, enter 23 or select it from the List of Values.
  9. In the External Service Type field, enter OV--OFV MOT or select it from the List of Values. This indicates that the outflow valve is to be sent out for an overhaul of its motor, as shown in the Service Description field to the right.
  10. The Wanted Receipt Date field shows the finish date indicated in the Planned Finish field on the Prepare tab of the Prepare Work Order window. You may change this date if required.
  11. Save the purchase requisition line. It now has Planned status.

Wire Harness—Part No. 212, Serial No. B1, Lot/Batch No. 9

  1. Create a new requisition header as described above and note the requisition number. Make sure you select the External Service check box.
  2. Create a new record on the Part Requisition Lines tab.
  3. In the Part No field, enter 212 or select it from the List of Values.
  4. The Supplier field automatically shows AERO (Aero Connections, Inc.) as the supplier who is defined as the primary supplier of this part. Note: If no supplier were connected to the part, you could right-click, click Supplier for Part, and then enter a supplier for the part.
  5. In the Original Quantity field, enter 1. This indicates that one item of part no. 212 is to be sent to Aero Connections, Inc. for external service. 
  6. In the Serial No field on the requisition line, enter B1 or select it from the List of Values.
  7. In the Lot Batch No field, enter 9 or select it from the List of Values.
  8. In the External Service Type field, enter RE--CPCS WH or select it from the List of Values. This indicates that the cabin pressure control system wire harness is to be sent out for repair, as shown in the Service Description field to the right.
  9. The Wanted Receipt Date field shows the finish date indicated in the Planned Finish field on the Prepare tab of the Prepare Work Order window. You may change this date if required.
  10. Save the purchase requisition line. It now has Planned status.
  11. Repeat steps 1 through 16. However, in step 4, enter ROBSON in the Supplier field or select it from the List of Values. Skip steps 6 through 11.

Cabin Pressure Controller—Part No. 314, Serial No. C1

  1. Create a new requisition header as described above and note the requisition number. Make sure you select the External Service check box.
  2. Create a new record on the on the Part Requisition Lines tab.
  3. In the Part No field, enter 314 or select it from the List of Values.
  4. The Supplier field automatically shows TGS (TG Smith) as the supplier who is defined as the primary supplier of this part. Note: If no supplier were connected to the part, you could right-click, click Supplier for Part, and then enter a supplier for the part.
  5. In the Original Quantity field, enter 1. This indicates that one item of part no. 314 is to be sent to TG Smith for external service.
  6. In the Serial No field on the requisition line, enter C1 or select it from the List of Values.
  7. In the External Service Type field, enter RE--CPC PS or select it from the List of Values. This indicates that the power supply of cabin pressure controller is to be sent out for repair, as shown in the Service Description field to the right.
  8. The Wanted Receipt Date field shows the finish date indicated in the Planned Finish field on the Prepare tab of the Prepare Work Order window. You may change this date if required.
  9. Save the purchase requisition line. It now has Planned status.