Enter and Match Supplier Payment—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own supplier to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own company.

Required Data

Enter and Authorize Supplier Invoices

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter supplier invoices to be used in the exercises below. The invoices/installments must also be authorized for payment.

  1. Enter three supplier invoices with past due dates.

General exercise for Arrival Entry Supplier Invoice 
General exercise for Post Supplier Invoice
General exercise for Authorize Supplier Invoice for Payment

Multi Company Supplier Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter supplier invoices to be used in the multi company supplier payment exercise below. The invoices/installments must also be authorized for payment.

  1. Enter a multi company supplier invoice.

General exercise for Multi Company Supplier Invoice
General exercise for Authorize Supplier Invoice for Payment

Main Exercises

Enter & Match Supplier Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to manually enter supplier payments that were already made. You can either specify the invoices/installments to be paid or use the Select Batch function to get an overview of open supplier invoices/installments, prepayments, and payments on account.

When you enter the payment, a voucher is generated automatically in the hold table in IFS Accounting Rules. The voucher is updated to the general ledger in connection with the next update. Because the entered payment was already made, it is considered cashed on entry and is therefore not posted to an interim account.

Manual Payment, Selected Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter a supplier payment that is matched with one supplier invoice/installment.

Supplier Payment

  1. Open the Supplier Payment window, and create a new record. 
  2. In the General tab, enter a cash account, or select one from the List of Values. 
  3. In the lower portion of the window, create a new record.
  4. In the Payment Amount field, enter the amount of the payment.
  5. Click the Transaction tab, and create a new record.
  6. In the Series ID field, enter the series ID of the invoice that you want to pay, or select one from the List of Values.
  7. In the No field, enter the number of the invoice that you want to pay, or select it from the List of Values.
  8. In the Installment Id field, enter the number of the installment that you want to pay, or select it from the List of Values.

Note: The remaining amount in payment currency should now be zero.

  1. Save the information.
  2. Return to the General tab. The voucher type and related voucher number are now displayed.

Manual Payment, Select Batch

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter a supplier payment that is matched with several supplier invoices/installments, using the select batch function.

Supplier Payment

  1. Open the Supplier Payment window, and create a new record.
  2. In the General tab, enter a cash account, or select one from the List of Values. 
  3. In the lower portion of the window, create a new record.
  4. In the Payment Amount field, enter the amount of the payment.
  5. Click the Transaction tab.
  6. Right-click and then click Select Batch.
  7. Populate the window to see all open invoices/installments.
  8. Select the lines with the invoices/installments that were paid. Click OK to confirm. The selected invoices/installments are displayed in the Transactions tab.
  9. Save the information.
  10. Return to the General tab. The voucher type and related voucher number are now displayed.

Multi Company Supplier Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter a multi company payment. The payment was made from one company but matches invoices/installments in multiple companies. When you save the payment, one payment and one voucher are generated automatically for each company involved. Because the entered payment was already made, it is considered cashed on entry and is therefore not posted to an interim account.

Supplier Payment

  1. Open the Supplier Payment window, and create a new record.
  2. Enter a cash account, or select one from the List of Values. 
  3. In the lower portion of the window, create a new record.
  4. In the Payment Amount field, enter the amount of the payment.
  5. Click the Transaction tab, and create a new record. The company that you are now using appears by default. Enter the series ID and number of an invoice that was paid in this company.
  6. Create a new record.
  7. Enter the ID of the company to which the other invoice/installment that was paid belongs, or select it from the List of Values. Enter the series ID, number and installment id of the invoice/installment that was paid in this company.
  8. Save the information. A message appears with payment information.
  9. Click OK.
  10. In the header portion of the window, right-click and then click Multi Company Payment Vouchers to view the vouchers created. Click the Voucher Type list to switch between vouchers. You will see one voucher per company involved.
  11. Close the window.
  12. Right-click and then click Related Child Company Payments to view the payment details in the other company.

Change Ledger Posting

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to change the ledger posting for an open supplier invoice. We will change the ledger posting for this invoice because the supplier has now become a sister company instead of an external supplier. This means that we must change the ledger account for all open items for this supplier. When the invoice was created, we also forgot to enter a pre-posting for Code B. 

Posting Control
Repost Supplier Ledger Item

  1. Open the Posting Control window and query for posting type IP1 - Supplier Debts. 
  2. Add a new row for IP1. Connect it to the code part representing Code B and the control type AC2 - Pre-posting. 
  3. Save your changes (F12).
  4. Open the Supplier window and query for your supplier. 
  5. Click the Invoice tab and change Supplier Group from 0 to 1.
  6. Save your changes (F12).
  7. Open the Repost Supplier Ledger Item window and query for your supplier. 
  8. Select the invoice that you want to add a pre-posting to, right-click and then click Modify/Add Pre-posting
  9. Enter a value for the code part representing Code B.
  10. Press OK.

  11. Select the invoice that you want to change the ledger posting posting for, right-click and then click Repost Ledger Item.

  12. Enter criteria for Voucher Date, User Group and Voucher Type.

  13. Press OK.

  14. The ledger posting (IP1) is changed for the marked invoice.

Note: The current ledger posting is displayed to the far right in the Repost Supplier Ledger Item window. Note the ledger posting for your invoice before and after running this function.


Repost Ledger Items to other Identity

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to repost open ledger items to another supplier identity. A reason for reposting ledger items to another identity can be that a supplier with open items has merged into another identity, and the open items of both previous identities shall have the same identity in the future. 

Repost Supplier Ledger Item

  1. Open the Repost Supplier Ledger Item window and query for a supplier with open ledger items. 
  2. Select the items which you want to repost. Take care that the selected items are not partly paid nor included in an open payment. Invoices must be authorized for payment.
  3. Right-click and then click Repost to Other Supplier and OffsetThe Repost Supplier Ledger Items - Offset dialog box appears.
  4. Enter the supplier identity, to which you want to repost the items, in the New Supplier field, or select the new supplier identity from the list of values.
  5. Remove the suggested invoice type for difference items from the New Invoice Type field to keep the original invoice types.

  6. Remove the suggested prefix from the New Invoice No Prefix field to keep the original invoice numbers. Note that a prefix is needed if the invoice number already exists for the new supplier identity and series, e.g. if you repost back an invoice to the old identity.

  7. Enter the text "Reposted to" and the new supplier identity in the Old Items Note field.

  8. Enter the text "Reposted from" and the old supplier identity in the New Items Note field.

  9. Modify the suggested values for Voucher Date, User Group and Voucher Type if necessary.

  10. Click OK to confirm the reposting.

  11. The New Payments have been created dialog box appears with information on the created voucher and payment.

  12. Click OK to confirm.

  13. The Repost Supplier Ledger Item window is repopulated with the latest query. If the old supplier has no longer open items, the window is empty.

  14. Query for the reposted items by entering the text which you have entered in the New Items Note field as search criterion in the Latest Notes field.