Match Supplier Invoice with Purchase Order —Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own supplier to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data must be isolated in your own company.

Basic Data and Requirements


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a new site and connect it to your own company. You will also connect you as a user to the site and enter information connected to the user.

  1. Follow the steps in the exercise below.


Set up Part Catalog

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a new part catalog to be used in the exercises.

  1. Follow the steps in the exercise below.

Maintain Inventory

Posting Control for Purchase Order Matching

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to prepare the posting control information used in the matching process.

Posting Control

  1. Make sure that the following posting types are defined:

Note: To execute the main exercise below, only the first three posting types must be defined.

Posting Type Description
M18 Purchase, Unbilled Material
M19 Purchase Price Difference Higher Price
M20 Purchase Price Difference Lower Price
M187 Purchase Charges, Inventory Parts
M185 Charge Price Diff Purch - Higher Price
M186 Charge Price Diff Purch - Lower Price
M65 Purchase Charges, Non-Inventory Parts
M93 Purchase Non-Inventory Material

Required Data

Purchase Order and Purchase Order Arrival for Manual PO Matching

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to prepare some purchase orders to be used in three-way matching. The steps listed below represent the most basic process. For more detailed information, see the Purchase Order Arrival lesson.
This exercise requires the supplier information to be set up in both Financials (Invoice and Payment) and Purchasing.

Purchase Order
Register Purchase Order Arrivals

  1. Open the Purchase Order window.
  2. Create a new record (F5). Enter a supplier that is defined in both Purchasing and Financials. Enter a receipt date and a coordinator.
  3. Save the information (F12).
  4. Move the cursor to the Part Order Lines tab and add a new record (F5).
  5. Enter a purchase order line with part number and quantity.
  6. Save the information (F12).
    Note: The gross/net amount is displayed in the lower part of the window, and the purchase order number is displayed in the upper part. Note your purchase order number and gross/net amount.                                        
  7. Right-click and then click Release in the upper part of the window.
  8. Open the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window.
  9. Query for your purchase order.
  10. Highlight the purchase order line, right-click, and then click Receive Order.
  11. Click OK, and the order is received.
  12. Create one more purchase order, with two or more lines. This order will be used in the Matching Supplier Invoice with Purchase Order Per Line exercise below.
  13. Now create two more purchase orders with two or more lines. Remember to note your purchase order numbers and gross/net amounts.

Main Exercises

Manual PO Matching

Note: You can choose to restrict or allow matching when the invoicing supplier on purchase order lines is not the same as the supplier on the invoice. This can be done by selecting a value from the Invoicing Supplier on PO Line(s) not equal to Supplier on Invoice field in the PO Matching tab in the Company window.

Matching Supplier Invoice with Purchase Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a supplier invoice and match it with the purchase order receipt.

Manual Supplier Invoice

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter your purchase order number in the PO Ref field by using the List of Values.
    All supplier-related information is automatically retrieved.
  4. Enter an invoice number, and enter the total gross/net amount from the purchase order as the gross amount on the invoice.
  5. Right-click, and then click Match PO Receipts. A window with purchase order line information is displayed.
  6. Click in the Matched column and then click OK.
  7. Save the invoice.
  8. If you have Sales Tax settings, all tax lines from the matched purchase order lines are transferred to the first invoice line. You can view or edit these tax lines by right-clicking and then click Tax Lines. All tax lines that may have been connected to any invoice line prior to the matching are removed. You must right-click and then click Post Invoice to get the invoice posted.
  9. Postings will be created based on the posting control setup and the parts on the purchase order. The balance of the voucher should now be zero.

Note: The result of this entry is that the purchase order gets Closed status. If the price on the purchase order is different from the standard cost of the inventory part, purchase price variances will be created and posted on M19 or M20 depending on higher or lower price.

Matching Supplier Invoice with Price Variances

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a supplier invoice, then match it with the purchase order receipt and change the price.

Manual Supplier Invoice

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window.
  2. Query (F3) for the invoice that you created in the previous exercise.
  3. Right-click in the upper part of the window and then click Cancel Invoice, and accept the cancellation. This will cancel the invoice and the matching, and you may use the same purchase order again in the following steps.
  4. Create a new record (F5).
  5. Enter your purchase order number in the PO Ref field.
    Note: All supplier related information is automatically retrieved.
  6. Enter an invoice number, and enter the total gross/net amount from the purchase order + 10.00 as the gross/net amount on the invoice (i.e., if the gross/net amount of the purchase order is 50.00, enter 60.00).
  7. Right-click in the upper part of the window, and then click Match PO Receipts. A window with purchase order line information is displayed.
  8. Enter 10.00 in the Additional Cost column and the Matched column will automatically be selected. Click OK.
  9. Save the invoice (F12).
  10. If you have Sales Tax settings, all tax lines from the matched purchase order lines are transferred to the first invoice line. You can view or edit these tax lines by right-clicking and then click Tax Lines. All tax lines that may have been connected to any invoice line prior to the matching are removed. You must right-click and then click Post Invoice to get the invoice posted.
  11. Postings will be created based on the posting control setup and the parts on the purchase order. The balance of the voucher should now be zero.

Note: The result of this entry is that the purchase order gets status Closed status. If the price on the purchase order, including the additional costs you entered, are different from the standard cost of the inventory part, purchase price variances will be created.

Matching Supplier Invoice with Purchase Order Per Line

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter a supplier invoice and match it  line by line with the purchase order receipt.

Manual Supplier Invoice

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter your purchase order number in the PO Ref field using the List of Values.
    Note: All supplier-related information is automatically retrieved.
  4. Enter an invoice number.
  5. Click on the Line Information section of the window and enter as many lines as you have entered in the purchase order. Enter the correct amount on each line.
  6. Highlight a line, right-click and then click Match PO Receipts Per Line. A window with purchase order line information is displayed. Click in the Matched column on the line you want to match and then click OK. Repeat with action with each line separately.
  7. Postings will be created based on the posting control setup and the parts on the purchase order. The balance of the voucher should now be zero.
  8. Save the invoice (F12).

Note: The result of this entry is that the purchase order gets Closed status. If the price on the purchase order is different from the standard cost of the inventory part, purchase price variances will be created.

Basic Data and Requirements

Prepare the Supplier for Self-billing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to prepare the supplier for self-billing.


  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. Query (F3) for your supplier.
  3. Click the Invoice tab.
  4. Select the Self-billing check box.
  5. Save the information (F12).

Required Data

Purchase Order and Purchase Order Arrival for Self-billing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to prepare some purchase orders to be used for Self-billing. The steps listed below represent the most basic process. For more detailed information, see the Purchase Order lesson.

Note: This exercise requires the supplier information to be set up in both Financials (Invoice and Payment) and Purchasing.

Purchase Order
Register Purchase Order Arrivals

  1. Open the Purchase Order window.
  2. Follow steps 2 through 10 from the previous Purchase Order and Purchase Order Arrival for Three-Way Matching exercise.
  3. Specify a reference in the Receipt Reference field. This will be used as the invoice number.
  4. Click OK. The order is now received, and an automatic invoice should be created by a background job.

Main Exercises


Manually Executing Automatic Invoicing

Purpose: As the result of the previous exercise, an automatic invoice should be created. However, you can also start this process manually. The purpose of this exercise is to manually start the creation of an automatic invoice.

Background Jobs

  1. Open the Background Jobs window.
  2. Populate the window (F3). The creation of the invoice will be displayed as the first job. 
  3. Right-click and then click Execute.

View the Automatically Created Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to view the invoice that was created in the previous exercise.

Self-Billing Invoices Analysis

  1. Open the Self-Billing Invoices Analysis window.
  2. Query for the invoice by specifying the receipt reference in the Invoice No field.
  3. The invoice is displayed. Highlight the line, right-click, and then click Supplier Invoice Entry  to view more detailed information such as postings.