Queries and Reports—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own supplier to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own company.

Required Data

Enter and Post a Supplier Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to  data required for using the queries and reports.

Manual Supplier Invoice

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window.
  2. Register several invoices.
  3. Post some of them and leave others with preliminary postings.

Arrival Entry Supplier Invoice

Post Supplier Invoice

Main Exercises

Queries in Invoice Component

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to use the supplier invoice queries that are available in Invoice. The queries are used for different purposes, for example, to find detailed information about a specific invoice or to get an overview of invoices for a specific supplier, among others.

Overview Supplier Invoices

Supplier Invoices Analysis

  1. Open the Supplier Invoices Analysis window.
  2. Query for a supplier ID (F3), entering one of your suppliers or selecting one from the List of Values.

Note: All invoices connected to the selected supplier are displayed.

  1. To view more details about a specific invoice, highlight the invoice line, right-click and then click on Supplier Invoice Entry.
  2. To view details about installments for a specific invoice, highlight the invoice line, right-click and then click on Supplier Installment Plan.

Queries in Payment Component

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to use some of the queries in Payment that are related to supplier invoice information.

Analyze – Supplier Basic Data

Supplier Basic Data Analysis

  1. Open the Supplier Basic Data Analysis window.
  2. Make a query (F3), entering Payment Term 30 as your selections criteria.

Note: All suppliers with payment term 30 are displayed.

  1. High-light one or several suppliers, right-click, and then click Supplier. This will take you to the Supplier window, where you can view or edit the basic data for the selected supplier.

Analyze – Supplier Details

Supplier Analysis

  1. Open the Supplier Analysis window.
  2. Make a query (F3), entering one of your suppliers as the selection criteria in the Supplier ID field or use the List of Values.
  3. Select the Auto Populate check box if you want the table to be automatically populated when you query for the supplier for whom you want to view details. Clear the check box if you want to query for one or more specific ledger items.
  4. Select Enable check box if you want to view the invoices with installment details
  5. Select Payee Perspective check box in order to view the payee details.
  6. Select Simulate Interest and Fine until check box and enter a payment date in order to simulate interest and fine details that needs to be paid for late payments, if applicable.

Note: The upper part of the window shows the supplier's balance and amounts for due invoices, while the lower part shows all invoices and payments for the supplier.

Query – Supplier Invoices

Supplier Invoices Analysis

  1. Open the Supplier Invoices Analysis window.
  2. Make a query (F3), entering one of your suppliers as the selection criteria in the Supplier ID field or use the List of Values.

Note: All of the supplier's invoices, including remaining amounts on the invoice, are displayed. By right-clicking on one invoice and then clicking Supplier Invoice Details or Payments per Invoice, you can open the respective window to view more details. By right-clicking on one invoice and then clicking Supplier Installment Plan, you can view invoice installments.

Analyze – Multi Company Supplier Details

Supplier Analysis

  1. Open the Multi-Company Supplier Analysis window.
  2. Query for a supplier ID (F3), entering one of your customers or selecting one from the List of Values.
  3. Select the Auto Populate check box if you want the table to be automatically populated when you query for the supplier for whom you want to view details. Clear the check box if you want to query for one or more specific ledger items. You can view details more than one company.
  4. Select Payee Perspective check box in order to view the payee details.
  5. Select Enable check box if you want to view the invoices with installment details.
  6. Select Simulate Interest and Fine until check box and enter a payment date in order to simulate interest and fine details that needs to be paid for late payments, if applicable.

Supplier Invoice Report

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to generate a report that shows unauthorized supplier invoices.

Not Authorized Suppler Invoices

Order Report

  1. Open the Order Report window.
  2. In the Report list, select the Not Authorized Supplier Invoices report.
  3. Select a payment date that is about two months ahead. Then click OK.
  4. Click Preview.

Note: You will see a report listing all supplier invoices that are not authorized for payment.