Authorization Monitoring—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own supplier to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own company.

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the supplier to use the supplier invoice work flow feature.

Link To Basic Data Set up for Supplier Invoice Workflow

Required Data

Preliminary Supplier Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create preliminary supplier invoices that will be used in the main exercise.

Manual Supplier Invoice

Enter five or more preliminary supplier invoices. Due date should be 5, 15, 25, 35 and 45 days from the current due date. Link to Arrival Entry Supplier Invoice

Post and Authorize Supplier Invoices

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to post and authorize the invoices entered in the previous exercise, so that there will be invoices in every status. Finally, we need to final post one invoice to have the invoice in the Posted status.

Posting Proposals
Final Posting Proposals

  1. Open the Posting Proposals window and select your five invoices
  2. Right-click and then click Posting Proposal.
  3. Create postings for four of your invoices in the Lines and Posting Info tab. The status should be Balance for those invoices. One invoice should be left in the Unbalance status.
  4. One invoice out of the four invoices should only be posted and not have any authorizers. This invoice will have the Balance status. If the proposal has authorizers, remove them in the authorization form. Click the Authorize tab and make sure that the three invoices have one authorizer. The posting proposal status will then be AwaitAuth.
  5. Authorize two of the three invoices. The status will change to Auth.
  6. Select one of the invoices in the Auth status, right-click and then click Final Invoice Posting.
  7. Populate or query for your invoices. The five invoices should have posting proposals in different statuses. The status is displayed in the Posting Proposal State column. They are: Unbalance, Balance, AwaitAuth, Auth and Posted.

Main Exercise

Define Aging Buckets for the Company

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to define the intervals for the aging buckets in the company. The invoices that will be included are the invoices that are not fully paid and finally posted.

Age Classification

  1. Open the Age Classification window and populate it.
  2. Enter the following data in the window.
Age Bucket Start Day End Day
1 1 10
2 11 20
3 21 30
4 31 40
5 41 360
  1. Save your entry.                               

Run the Updating Routine

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how to run the updating routine. You can run it online or schedule it to be automatically run at a required time.

Update Authorization Status
Scheduled Tasks
Update Authorization Status

  1. Open the Update Authorization Status dialog box. From this dialog box it is possible to start the updating routine online or create a scheduled job.
  2. To start the routine immediately, click OK.
  3. Open the dialog box again and click Schedule. A message will appear to inform you of scheduling information that already exists. Click OK to open the Create New Task Schedule window.
  4. Update Authorization Status  will be displayed as the schedule name and the task name. Make sure that the Active check box is selected.
  5. Select the Daily option and specify 08.00 AM in the Time field.
  6. Save the information.

Analyze the Status of Supplier Invoices

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to view the status of the invoices in the authorization workflow.

Posting Authorization Status Analysis

  1. Open the Posting Authorization Status Analysis window and populate it.
  2. All the invoices in the authorization process will be displayed. Invoices that are fully paid and posted will not be displayed. Remember that invoices can be paid even if they are not posted.
  3. Analyze the data on both tabs by getting detailed information on the data. Right-click and then click Query Supplier Invoices to view the invoices in the selected interval or status.