Entering Transport Routes—Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to become experienced in setting up transport routes.

Prerequisite: In this lesson you will apply a template route previously defined in the Basic Data and Requirements Exercises for Manage Serialized Configuration.

Define Transport Route

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to copy a template route to plan an actual transport. You will send one of your Nose Landing Gear serials from Los Angeles (LA) to Oslo. The departure date is tomorrow. There will be a 2 hour delay on departure from LA. Due to heavy traffic, transit time (idle time) in London has to be increased by 3 hours. 

Serial Structure Information

Steps: To complete this lesson, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Query (F3) for your part number nX32NLG7001 and serial number nX31000.
  3. Click the Additional Serial Info tab and then click the Transport Route sub tab.
  4. Create a new record (F5) and use the List of Values to enter the nLAXOSL template.
  5. Save the information (F12).
  6. The Enter Start Time dialog box opens. Enter the start time and click OK.
  7. Right click and then click Copy Template Route.
  8. Enter "current date+1" and "02:00:00" (to adjust for the 2 hour delay)
  9. Click OK and the calculated transport route comes up.
  10. To adjust to the extra 3 hour transit time in London, modify the time stamps for departure time from London and arrival time and departure time in Oslo.
  11. Save the information (F12)

Reuse Transport Route

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to reuse an earlier route to plan a new transport. Due to limited capacity the transport has to be postponed to the following day. The 3 hour delay in London is still expected and there will also be a 1 hour delay on departure from LA (3 hours from the origin plan).

Serial Structure Information

Steps:  To complete this lesson, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Query (F3) for your part number nX32NLG7001 and serial number nX31000.
  3. Click the Additional Serial Info tab and then click the Transport Route sub tab. The route entered in the previous exercise is displayed.
  4. Now you want to modify this route instead of using the template.
  5. Right click and then click Reuse Route.
  6. Enter "date+2" and "01:00:00" (to adjust for the 1 hour delay)
  7. Click OK, and the new route appears.
  8. Check that the transport route has been modified correctly.
  9. Assume that the transport is executed. Select the Complete check box for LAX and JFK and save.
  10. Click the General tab, and verify that the Location Code field has been updated to JFK.
  11. Select the Complete check box for LHR and OSL and save.
  12. Click the General tab and verify that Location Code field for this part has been updated to OSL.