Defining Serial Structures—Extended Exercise

Main Exercise 

Purpose: The purpose of the following exercises is to perform structure changes on your serial structure. You can also update the access rights of the serials which are removed or replaced from a structure. Before commencing with these exercises it would be helpful to read the note given in the following table.  

Important: The serials on which you carry out the structure changes must have received at the least, your access group nMAINTPROVIDER on its template level. This is important as you can only update those serials for which you have been given access. In the following exercises you will see how to handle the access for serials moved in and out of a serial structure.

Perform Structure Change 1 - Installation

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to install a serial in your serial structure. You will install a serial part for your Hydraulic Pressure Indicator. Since there is a dependency between the two positions for the hydraulic pressure indicator you will get a warning message. You will then be forced to also install the other position of the hydraulic pressure indicator.

Serial Structure Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Query (F3) for your aircraft, Serial Number nX30000.
  3. In the graphical serial structure navigator, select the empty (or not installed) position in to which the serial is to be installed.
  4. Right-click, point to Structure Changes and then click Install Serial.
  5. In the Install or Swap into area enter the Structure Pos for the part - 105
  6. Enter Part No/Rev/Serial No - X32HYD7020, *, nX30900
  7. Enter your workshop code in the Workshop field.
  8. Select the Run In Batch? check box to execute the access rights for serial number nX30900 by a batch job. 
  9. Click Finish.
  10. The serial number nX30900 will automatically receive the access groups defined on its parent serial nX30000. The access group(s) will then be extended to all serials belonging to nX30900.
  11. Repeat for position 106, Part No/Rev/serial No - X32HYD7020, *, nX30901.

Perform Structure Change 2 - Removal 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to remove a serial from the structure. If the airline has decided to stop serving food on the flight, you would need to remove the galley to be able to replace it with some more seats. The serial to be removed should retain its part access. The serviceability tag can be printed for the serial that was removed and accompany it into the facility.

Serial Structure Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Query (F3) for the aircraft nX747-900, Serial Number nX30000.
  3. In the graphical serial structure navigator, select the position that holds the serial for the Galley you want to remove.
  4. Right-click, point to Structure Changes and then click Remove Part or Serial.
  5. In the Location Code field enter the location code LAX.
  6. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box to order and print the serviceability tag report for the component being removed.
  7. In the Workshop field enter your workshop code nLAX-C.
  8. Since you want to keep the part access for the serial that is to be removed, clear the Keep Current Access? check box. This will enable the Default Access Groups? check box which is selected by default. If the Default Access Groups? check box is not selected make sure to select it before proceeding any further.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. If a non-serial part is being removed, the Print Serviceability Tag dialog box will open.
  11. In the Serviceability Status list, select the relevant serviceability status of the part.
  12. Click OK.
  13. The Print Report dialog box opens.
  14. Verify that the print settings are correct. Click Preview if you want a preview of the report prior to printing.
  15. Click Print. You can click the printer button on the preview window as well.
  16. Verify that the structure change has been performed and the report printed.

Perform Structure Change 3 - Swapping

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to swap two serials in your serial structure. There is something wrong with one of the hydraulic pressure indicators and to make sure it is the indicator itself and not something else you are going to swap the two indicators. If the fault is transferred to the other position you are sure that it is the indicator.

Serial Structure Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Query (F3) for your aircraft, Serial Number nX30000.
  3. In the graphical serial structure navigator, select one of the positions holding the hydraulic pressure indicator.
  4. Right-click, point to Structure Changes and then click Swap Components.
  5. Enter information in the Install or Swap into are for the part you will swap into.
  6. Enter your workshop code in the Workshop field.
  7. Select the Run In Batch? check box to execute the access rights for the serials that are to be swapped by a batch job.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Make sure that the two structure positions have swapped places.
  10. The new serial in the structure (as a result of the swap) will receive the access groups from the serial which it replaced. Likewise, the serial that was replaced will receive the access groups of this new serial. 

Perform Structure Change 4 - Replacement

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to replace a serial in your serial structure. Since there is a problem with your turbine in one of the engines you have to replace this with an approved alternate. The access group nMAINTPROVIDER needs to be retained for the serial that is going to be replaced. This structure change will need an approval before you can set the parent template part to operational. The serviceability tag can be printed for the serial that was replaced and accompany it into the facility.

Serial Structure Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Query (F3) for your aircraft, Serial Number nX30000.
  3. In the graphical serial structure navigator, navigate to the required turbine by expanding the first Engine (pos 102) and selecting the relevant line.
  4. Right-click, point to Structure Changes and then click Replace Serial.
  5. Information in the Remove or Swap from area will appear automatically from the selected row. 
  6. Enter the required location code. 
  7. In the Install or Swap into area enter information for the part you want to install. Click List on the respective fields to choose Part number/Rev/Serial No X72TUR7019/ */nX200.
  8. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box to order and print the serviceability tag report for the serial being replaced.
  9. Enter the Workshop Code.
  10. Clear the Keep Current Access? check box and the Default Access Groups? check box. This will enable the Select Access Groups step. 
  11. As you only need to give access to nMAINTPROVIDER for the serial number nX200, clear the Implement For check box for the remaining access group. That is, make sure that the Implement For check box is selected for your access group only.
  12. Click Finish.
  13. The Print Report dialog box opens.
  14. Verify that the print settings are correct. Click Preview if you want a preview of the serviceability tag report prior to printing.
  15. Click Print. You can click the printer button on the preview window as well.
  16. Verify that the structure change has been performed and the report printed.
  17. Make sure that the turbine has been replaced.
  18. Click the Approval tab to see that a approval line has been created.
  19. Click the General tab to see that the status of the parent part has changed since approval is needed.
  20. Try to change status, right-click and the click Set Structure Operational.

Rename Serial

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to change the part number of a serial in a newly copied structure for serial X747-900, nX30000. You will change the part number of the sub structure part X32LEG7004 to the part number of the valid alternate part X32LEG7005.

Prerequisites: A serial structure must have been copied and a valid alternate must exist. Part X32LNK7009 must have been created in the Serial Structure Information window with the Template Part Number X32LEG7005, Template Part Revision * and Structure Position 103.

Serial Structure Information

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window.
  2. Query (F3) for your serial structure with part number nX747-900 and serial number nX30000.
  3. In the graphical serial structure navigator, locate the serial X32LEG7004, nX30999 which is to be renamed. Select the row, right-click and then click Serial Structure Information.
  4. Disconnect part X32LNK7008 from the structure. The reason for disconnecting the part is that when the part number of the serial is renamed, part X32LNK7008 will not be a valid part number in the template of the new serial.
  5. Click the General tab and then click the Serial sub tab.
  6. Right-click and then click Rename Serial. The Rename Serial assistant opens.
  7. Enter the new part number X32LEG7005 by modifying the existing value in the field.
  8. Enter valid values for the following: New Part Revision, Manufacturer No, and Manufacturer's Part No fields.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Enter the new maintenance program and the maintenance group in Maintenance Program and Maintenance Group fields respectively. Note: If a valid maintenance program does not exist for the new part revision, it will not be possible to enter values in the Maintenance Program ID and Maintenance Program Revision fields.
  11. In the Template Structure area, observe that the template structure information has changed due to the change of the serial's part number.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Enter the new template part number, template part revision and the structure position for the serials that are connected to the structure.
  14. Click Next.
  15. Use the Rename Serial (Step 4 of 6) - Cancellation of Tasks step to view all running tasks which are connected to the serial that is to be renamed. Note: If running tasks do not exist for the serial, this step of the assistant will not be displayed.
  16. If a task is to be canceled, enter a valid Cancel Task Cause and select the Cancel Task check box.
  17. Click Next.
  18. Click Finish.

To verify the serial rename and install a part in the structure;

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window and query (F3) for Part Number X747-900 and Serial Number nX30000.
  2. Click the Consist Of tab.
  3. Select the row that holds the serial X32NLG7001, nX30999, right-click, and then click Next Level.
  4. Verify that the serial X32LEG7004, nX30999 has been renamed to X32LEG7005, nX30999.
  5. Next, select the row containing the serial being renamed, right-click and then click Next Level to move down one level in the structure.
  6. Install part X32LNK7009. The reason we install this part is because it belongs to the configuration of the new serial (i.e., the serial after the rename) instead of the part which was disconnected prior to the rename.

Approve Structure Changes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to approve structure changes. In the previous lesson you replaced a turbine with an alternate. Since this part was registered as a qualified interchangeable the replacement will require an approval before the installed alternate is considered usable.

Prerequisite: The previous lessons must be completed.

Approve Structure Changes

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Approve Structure Changes window.
  2. Query (F3) for the parent part number - nX72ENG7010
  3. Click the Approval Routing tab.
  4. Select the line and then click Approve Step. The status for the approval step is changed to Approved.
  5. Click the General tab.
  6. Right-click and click Serial Structure Information.
  7. Notice that the operational condition for the parent part still is Non Operational.
  8. Click the Approval tab. Here you can see that the approval is completed. This means that the Operational Condition for serial structure can be set to Operational.
  9. In the upper part of the window right-click and the click Set Structure Operational.
  10. The operational status is changed and also the Approval Status if this was not changed before.

Perform Structure Change 5 - Replacement from WO

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to replace a serial in your serial structure from a work order. In the repair shop you are going to replace the X32RIM7002 - Rim half on the Wheel. While doing this work you discover that the installed serial according to the system is not the serial installed in reality.

Report In Work Order

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Report In Work Order window.
  2. Query (F3) for your work order by searching on field  Object Id - X747-900-nX20000
  3. Click the Operations tab.
  4. Select the respective operation record, right-click and then click Perform Structure Change.
  5. Enter/verify the Vehicle Id - nX20000.
  6. Select Replace Serial and click Next.
  7. To the left enter the part you will remove Part No/Rev - X32RIM7002/*. When looking at the serial no you discover that this is not the serial that is installed in reality. Change Serial No to X300.
  8. Enter Location Code.
  9. To the right you need to enter information for the part you want to install. Use List button and choose Part number/Rev/Serial No X32RIM7002/ */X310.
  10. Enter Workshop Code.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. You should get a message that the serial you want to remove is not installed and can not be removed. Click OK.