Search for Documents—Extended Exercises

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show additional ways of searching for documents.


Document Object Connections
Document Package
Distribution History

Searching for Documents Connected to a Business Object

If you are interested in the documents that are connected to a specific business object, the Document Object Connections window is a good place to perform a query.

  1. Open the Document Object Connections window.
  2. Click Search to open the Search window.
  3. Place the cursor in the Object Value field and open the List of Values.
  4. The list that opens displays all available business objects. Select Document Folder in the Object Type field.
  5. Click OK. The document folder is automatically entered in the correct field.
  6. Enter Standard Templates in the Object Description field as a second search criterion.
  7. Clear the Case Sensitive check box. Note: This check box determines whether a query is case sensitive or not.
  8. Click OK once more to see the results of your query.

Searching for Documents Connected to a Document Package 

  1. Open the Document Package window.
  2. Click Search to open the Search window.
  3. Enter IFS Racing in the Package field and click OK.

Result: The IFS Racing package is displayed, with the documents included in the package being shown in the table part of the window.

Searching for Distributed Documents 

To find a document that has been distributed to you, you can perform a query in the Distribution History window.

  1. Open the Distribution History window.
  2. Enter your user ID in the Receiver field.
  3. Save the query and enter My Distributed Documents as the name.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click OK once more.

Result: If any documents have been distributed to you, they should now be visible in the window.