Evaluate and Delete Document Revision—Key Exercises

Required Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a document so it can be set to Obsolete and deleted in the exercises below. To do so, you need create a new revision of an existing document in the database.

Document Revision

  1. Open the Document Revision window.
  2. Query for the search criteria shown below.
Document Class Title
500 Front Wheel
  1. Right-click and click Create New Revision. The Create New Revision  Assistant
  2. In the Revision field, enter A2 as the name of the new revision.  
  3. Enter a short revision description (e.g., for exercise).
  4. Click Finish.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show how to set a document to Obsolete and then delete it.

Document Revisions

Setting a Document to Obsolete

When setting the document status to Obsolete, the existing document revision is no longer valid for use. It is not possible to update an obsolete revision, but it is possible to base new revisions on an obsolete revision.

  1. Open the Document Revisions window.
  2. Query for the search criteria shown below.
Document Class Title Revision
500 Front Wheel A2
  1. Right-click, point to Status, and then click Set Obsolete.
  2. Click Yes in the Information Message box. The status is now changed from Preliminary to Obsolete.
  3. Right-click and click Document Revision.

Note: The Check In and Edit options are no longer available, which means that you cannot update this document revision. You can only view the document or print it out.

Deleting a Document Revision 

A document revision must be obsolete before you can delete it. 

  1. Go back to the Document Revisions window.
  2. Select the document revision that you set to Obsolete in the exercise above.
  3. Right-click, point to File Operations, and then click Delete Document.
  4. Click Yes in the Information Message box.

Result: The document revision is deleted, along with its object connections, the document file, and other references. 

Delete Document Title
The document title is automatically deleted when all revisions of that title are deleted.