Document Distribution—Extended Exercises

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to show how to distribute documents.

Document Revisions
Distribution History

Creating Document Distribution

When you distribute documents, you can use the Document Distribution Assistant to help you set up the distribution list and connect the appropriate documents to it. You can distribute one or several documents at the same time.

  1. Open the Document Revisions window.
  2. Query for the search criteria shown below.
Document Class Title Revision
500 Front Wheel A1
  1. Select the document, right-click, and then click Document Distribution.
  2. The Document Distribution Assistant appears.
  1. Set the priority to Urgent and write a short distribution note (e.g., New project documentation available).
  2. Click Next.
  1. Look at the document revision that is displayed and verify that it is the correct one.
  2. Click Next.
  1. Select Damon Hill, Eddie Irvine, and yourself in the Available Persons field. Note: Holding down the CTRL key when selecting the persons allows you to select several names at the same time.
  2. Click Add to add them to the Receivers list.
  3. Click Next.
  1. Select the E-mail Notification distribution method for all three recipients. Note: the training environment may not be connected to an e-mail application. In that case, you have to pretend that you receive the e-mail.
  2. Click Next.
  1. Select Execute Immediately.
  2. Click Finish to complete the distribution.

Receiving Document Distribution

In this exercise, you are going to locate the document that has been distributed to you. When the distribution was executed, you received the e-mail shown below in your mailbox from the event server (in this exercise, you have to pretend that the e-mail was sent, since there may not be an event server installed in the training environment).

Mail from Event Server
The following document(s) has been distributed to you:

Document Number:

Document Class: 500 <Specification>

Title: Front Wheel

Revision: A1

  1. Open the Distribution History window.
  2. Query for the document class, document number, and revision identified in the e-mail shown above.
  3. Select the distribution line, right-click, and then click View Document.
  4. In the Select Document Type to View window, select Original Application and then click OK.
  5. If the Choose Macro window opens, click Skip Macro.

Result: The document should now be opened in its original application (in this case in Microsoft Word).

  1. Review the document. When you are finished, exit Microsoft Word.
  2. Go back to the Distribution History window.
  3. Enter a comment in the Receiver Note field (e.g., Received and read document).
  4. Save your comment.
  5. Select the distribution row, right-click, and then click Mark as Read.

Note: The status is changed from Distributed to Read, and that today's date has been entered in the Date Received field.

  1. Right-click and click Approve.

Subscribing to a Document

A subscription is a distribution that is performed every time a new revision of the document is released. In this exercise, you will set up a subscription.

  1. Open the Document Revisions window.
  2. Query for the search criteria shown below.
Document Class Title Revision
500 Front Wheel A1
  1. Select the document in the Document Revisions window, right-click, and then click Document Distribution.
  2. The Document Distribution Assistant  appears. In the first step, select Subscription in the Type list and then click Next.
  3. Verify that the subscription applies to the correct document, as shown in step 2, and then click Next.
  4. Select your name in the Available Persons field and click Add to add your name to the receivers list. Then click Next.
  5. Select E-mail Notification in the Distribution Method list and click Next.
  6. Select the Execute Immediately check box and click Finish.

Result: Each time a new revision of the selected document is released, you will receive an e-mail notification (assuming you have an event server connected to your environment) and a copy of the new revision will be distributed to you.