Selections and Views 1—Extended Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to introduce more advanced Selections and Views features such as creating dynamic selections with wildcard operators.

Sales and Marketing main window

Editing a Selection

  1. Go to the Selections and Views pane.
  2. In the Selections and Views pane, click the Plus Sign (+) in front of the Contact group to expand the group.
  3. Right-click on IT Managers and then click Edit Selection.
  4. The Edit Selection dialog box will be opened. Click Next.
  5. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Account table.
  6. Click Loyalty.
  7. In the Loyalty list, click Good.
  8. Click the Equal Sign (=).
  9. Click and.
  10. Click Job Role.
  11. In the Job Role list, click IT.
  12. In the Criteria area, verify that the criterion Contact.JobRole=IT AND Account.Loyalty=Good appears.
  13. Click Next and click Finish.
  14. Run the selection by double clicking the IT – Address list view.
  15. Verify that the results appear in the Result pane.
  16. Right-click on the results and click the Show Row Count to count the results.

Editing View Information

  1. In the Selections and Views pane, right-click on IT Managers and then click Edit Selection.
  2. The Edit Selection dialog box will be opened.
  3. Click Next to move to the View step without changing the selection criteria.
  4. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Account table.
  5. Double-click Loyalty.
  6. Verify that the Loyalty field appears in the view field to the right along with the already selected fields.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Run the selection and verify that the loyalty information is displayed in the Result pane.

Adding a View

  1. In the Selections and Views pane, right-click on IT Managers and then click Edit Selection.
  2. The Edit Selection dialog box will be opened.
  3. Click Next to move to View step without changing the selection criteria.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter IT Managers– Phone list as the name of the new view and click OK.
  6. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Contact table.
  7. Double-click First Name, Last Name, Phone, Fax, and Mobile.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Verify that the new view appears under the IT Managers selection.

Renaming a View

  1. In the Selections and Views pane, right-click on IT Managers and then click Edit Selection.
  2. Click Next to move to View field without changing the selection criteria.
  3. In the View list, click IT Managers – Phone list.
  4. Click Change.
  5. Rename the view to IT Managers – Phone Information.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Verify that the view name has changed in the IT Managers Selection.

Copying a Selection

  1. In the Selections and Views pane, right-click on Private to add a new group called Activities.
  2. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the Activities group in the public section.
  3. Right-click on To Do list and then click Copy Selection.
  4. Select the group Activities in Private section, right-click, and click Paste Selection.
  5. Verify that you have a new selection called Copy of To Do list in the Activities group.
  6. Right-click on Copy of To Do list and click Edit Selection.
  7. Rename the selection to To Do list.
  8. Click Next to open the Criteria step.
  9. Click Next to open the View step.
  10. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Activity table.
  11. Double-click Done.
  12. Verify that the field appears among the other fields in the view field to the right.
  13. Click Finish.
  14. Run the selection.

Creating and Running a Dynamic Selection

  1. In the Selections and Views pane, right-click on Contacts (your private group) and then click Add Selection.
  2. The Add Selection dialog box will be opened.
  3. Enter Contact-Interest as the name of the selection and click Next.
  4. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Contact table.
  5. Click Interest.
  6. Click the Question Mark (?) and the Equal Sign (=).
  7. Verify that the criterion Contact.Interest =? appears in the criteria field.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter Contact Interest – Address list as the name of the view and click OK.
  10. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Contact table.
  11. In the Contact table, double-click First Name, Last Name, Phone, Fax, Mobile, and E-mail.
  12. Verify that the fields appear in the view field to the right.
  13. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Account table.
  14. In the Account table, double-click Name, Address 1, Post code, City, and Country.
  15. Verify that the fields appear in the view field to the right along with the contact information.
  16. Click Finish.
  17. In the Selection and Views pane, click the Plus Sign (+) in front of the Contact group to expand the group.
  18. Click the Plus Sign (+) in front of the Contact-Interest selection to expand the selection.
  19. Double-click the Contact Interest – Address list view.
  20. In the Interest list, select Golf. Select the Close dialog when search is performed check box, then the dialog box will automatically close once you click OK. Click OK.
  21. Verify that the results appear in the Result pane.
  22. Count the results.
  23. Right-click on the Contact Interest – Address list view and select Apply in new tab.
  24. In the Interest list, select Motor Racing. Click OK.
  25. Verify that the results appear in the Result pane.
  26. Count the results.

Creating a Selection with Multiple Search Criteria

  1. In the Selection and Views pane, right-click on Private and create a group called accounts.
  2. Right-click on the group and then click Add Selection.
  3. The Add Selection dialog box will be opened.
  4. Name the selection Potential – Accounts in Sweden & United States. Click Next.
  5. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Account table.
  6. Click the Open Parenthesis Sign (.
  7. Click Loyalty.
  8. In the Loyalty list, click Good.
  9. Click the Equal Sign ( =).
  10. Click OR.
  11. Click Loyalty.
  12. In the Loyalty list, click Moderate.
  13. Click the Equal Sign ( =).
  14. Click the Close Parenthesis Sign ).
  15. Click AND.
  16. Click the Open Parenthesis Sign (.
  17. Click Country.
  18. In the Country list, click United States.
  19. Click the Equal Sign ( =).
  20. Click OR.
  21. Click Country.
  22. In the Country list, click Sweden.
  23. Click the Equal Sign ( =).
  24. Click the Close Parenthesis Sign ).
  25. Click AND.
  26. Click Potential.
  27. Click the Question Mark ( ?) and the Equal Sign ( =).
  28. Verify that the following criteria are shown in the criteria field: (Account.Loyalty = Good OR Account.Loyalty = Moderate) AND (Account.Country = UNITED STATES OR Account.Country = SWEDEN) AND Account.Potential = ?.
  29. Click Next.
  30. The New View dialog box will be opened. Enter Potential in United States and Sweden as the name of the view and click OK.
  31. Click the Plus Sign (+) on the left of the table name to expand the Account table.
  32. Double-click Name, Address 1,  Post Code, City, Country, Phone, Potential, and Responsible.
  33. Click Finish.
  34. Verify that the selection appears in the Selection and Views pane.
  35. Run the selection for Good.
  36. Click the Recent Selections toolbar and run the newly created selection for Moderate and for Poor potential.

Note: Using the Recent Selections toolbar, you can select from a list of the most recent selections.